~best friends pt 2~

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"oh my god you suck at uno." i say as i place a plus two down for billie.

billie glares at me, "die." billie says as she picks up two cards. i grin at the comment.

billie and i are at our friends house, addy knows about how we feel about each other and bully us all the time for it.

addy changes the color to green and billie gets even more frustrated, "nobody has fucking green."

"shut up." addy replies back.

billie runs her finger through her dark blue hair and sighs.

"i give up y'all win." billie says as she places her cards in the floor and gets up to sit on addy bean bag chair.

addy and me play another round and i win as i always do, "gosh you people suck"

"don't be to full of yourself mama" billie says as she looks up from her phone.

i start blushing and i turn to face addy who eyes were widen, "go to your girlfriend i'll go get us some taco bell." addy gets up and grabs her keys.

"she's not my girlfriend" billie reminds addy and addy rolls her eyes and leaves the room.

just me and billie... billie and i.

it's been a week since Maggie ask her about us and ever since it's been weird. i wanna bring it up but she will just shut me down like she always does.



i play with my fingers and finding the words to say.

fuck it im not bring it up she's gonna hate me.

"i love you." i say instead of what are we.

she smiles and motion for me to come to her and i get up and sit on her lap, "i love you more"

fuck it im asking.

"so then what are we?"

"friends, what else what we be?" billie says with the smile the same smile she had before.

"gosh billie stop doing that." i say

billie stays quite and shakes her head, " im not doing anything you keep being this convocation up just let us keep being friends"

"billie you're tongue is down my fucking throat 24/7 i think we more then friends."

"y/n can you stop i like what we have ,why ruin it."

i get off her lap, im so tired of her acting like we aren't more then friends. "im tired of this billie serious is it cause you're fucking other people? is that why you won't want us to be a thing?"

billie also stands up to see me eye to eye
"there is nobody else, i love you but i wanna stay friends."


"gosh you're just scared of committing to someone, im sorry if im not enough for you or your standers but don't treat me less than eilish ," i say as i leave addy's room and look for my shoes in the living room.

billie follows me and ask me where im going and replay with "home"

"y/n you're overreacting, i love you, jesus what more do you want from me?" billie angered

"i just want you to actually love me eilish, don't say it cause i do it mean it as friends."

"but i mean it y/n im in love it's you." billie eyes fill up with tears "you're like everyone else's who just leaves."

i sigh and pull out my keys out my pocket. "im not leaving you billie, you say we are friends so we should act like it."

billie pulls me into a kiss and as much as i want to pull away i don't. we both need this right now.

when i do pull away i see her tears but i still leave to go home. i told her she can come by tonight but i need time apart. i texted addy saying i went home and she understood.

i get home just go to my room i don't even say hi to my mom. it sucks cause i love billie so much but it feels like she doesn't.

she says she does but she can just feel pity, or maybe she does actually love me.

a couple hours past and i find myself laying in my bed taking a nap. i hear a knock on the door and my eyes open slightly, "what" i call out and billie's walking in and takes of her jacket.

i roll my eyes and shift in my bed so she can come in. we are playing face to face and she smiles hard. "you're right i do have commitment issues i just don't wanna get hurt y/n you have to understand that."

"i do" i say softly, "the talk we had was the real me billie it's how i feel about us."

billie plays with my hair "do you wanna go out tomorrow? i know a fancy restaurant."

"wait are you asking me-"

"on a date? yea of course" billie says with a smile.

i smash our lips together and billie i can fell billie lips smile.

"gosh i love you"  i pull back to look at bikes beautiful face.

"just don't break my heart y/l/n cause im giving you all of me."

i smile at the last part

"i won't"

this literally sucked😁
y'all want a part 3 of the date or..

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