~ugly love~

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tw: talks about abuse

" billie your such a pisce of shit!" i yelled at billie as i slammed our bedroom door.

i hear quick and heavy footsteps coming to the door and then the door swung open.

"don't fucking be slamming doors y/n! i get that your mad , but jesus stop acting like a kid!"

"fuck you billie."

"no fuck you y/n im so tired of your shit!"

billie throws her arms in the air and makes her way out the room.

i hear a loud sound coming from the living room and i go to check and see billies hand through the fucking wall.

"billie... what the actual fuck." i just look at her and she takes her hand out the wall and walks away from me

" i actually can't stand you right now! are you gonna fix that or make me find someone to?! don't walk away when im talking!"

i yell after her and grab her arm to make her face me and the next thing i know is im being pushed at the wall.

"don't ever touch me." billie says as she turns to face me

i take off my promise ring and throw it at billie as tears fall down my check. im so tired of fighting with her.

billie picks up the rings and tells me to put it back on.

i shake my head and billie yells at me.

"put the fucking ring on y/n ,
im not playing!"

"what are you going to do billie? hit me!? you already do that!"

"gosh you act like this is all my fault? im so sorry my mom invited my ex to her birthday she didn't even know i dated her!" billie screams at me

"yeah but you also didn't give a shit when i asked to leave several times. you cheated on me with her three fucking times, how do you expect me to feel?"

i say wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

"billie it's seems like you don't give a shit about us anymore. im tired of this. im tired of you hitting me when you get mad or upset. im not your punching bag."

i break down even more as billie walks over to me and hugs me.

"please put the ring back on y/n, i love you" billie kisses my head as she slowly pets my hair.

"i fucking hate you" i say as i slip the ring back on.

" i know. i'll change for you i promise."

yeah right billie like you will.

an: based off of nate and maddy from euphoria ngl but i got bored on the way to school so here

sorry if it's not a good <33

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