~your not worthless pt2~

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billie pov:
y/n hasn't acted the same since i caught her self harming. i've been keeping an eye on her. her smiles aren't the same anymore.  i think i broke her. i didn't mean to i was mad and shit just slipped out. y/n and i are sitting on the couch and we are playing my old wii. "billie stop. i know your cheating" y/n says as she keeps pressing random buttons. "player one wins" the tv says and i look at y/n. " I WON" i say yelling at y/n face as it tickling her. y/n starts laughing as i do so. "you cheated, billie stop it hurts now." i stop and laugh. "since queen eilish won i think ms y/n should buy us dinner." "ahah very funny. it gonna be mrs eilish very soon." y/n says looking at my lips. "oh really?" i say leading in closer and then y/n nods and kisses me. "y/n just because you kiss me don't mean your not buying dinner." i say as i grab my phone out of my pockets. "well i'm not hungry you can order what ever you want and i'll still play." y/n says going upstairs to get her wallet.

y/n pov:
i don't eat anymore like i used to when i do i throw it all up. i walk back downstairs and give billie my card. billie smiles and says "thank you mrs eilish" i laugh and little and plop right next to billie in the coach.

20 minutes later when billie comes back from picking up the food.

"billie can you not put a stain on the kitchen counter i just clean that". i say as she sets down her mexican food. "sorry, anyways want some?" billie says as she grabs a fork out the drawer. i gulp and does a fake smile "i'm not hungry remember i told you." "y/n you have to eat something. i haven't see you eat in a week." "well i'm not hungry billie-" billie looks down. "y/n why aren't you eating? i didn't want to answer to billie. i know why i'll say will break her. " i want to be like a model. i want to be skinny." a tear falls onto my cheeks. "i don't want to be billie eilish's  fat girlfriend. i want peolpe to look at me and smile not laugh." billie stands up and walks over to me. "y/n you are the most perfect person to me. you aren't anything you just said you were. i don't know who telling you things but they are wrong." billie kisses my head. "i love your baby hands, i love your soft cheeks, i love your body." billie says. billie lifts up my chin to make me look at her. i could see her holding back the pain in her eyes. "i love you. please eat?" billie says. "ok i will.

writer note:
if your struggling with anything or need someone to talk to my ig is buttercup.aep and my snap is hopeisingod. please talk to me❤️

word count: 536

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