04. Sim Jaeyun

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Seohee didn't even try to walk faster because she was already drenched in cold rain

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Seohee didn't even try to walk faster because she was already drenched in cold rain. the rain stopped raining heavily, now it was just a shower. It eventually stopped after she sits and waited for almost an hour under the roof of a flower shop.

Even her hair dried up a little then before.

even animals are making me jealous now. Seohee sighed deeply.

While she was envying the ducks following their mom from afar, she flinched at the unknown person who suddenly came and pasted a posture beside her, on the concrete wall. She looked at him weirdly.

As soon as he went away, Sohee took the chance to see what it was. She choked on her saliva when she read what it was written.

"looking for an assistant at the 'Sim cottage'.." she kept on reading and then suddenly choked on her saliva. "what!? 58,000 won per week- " she cupped her mouth when she saw that it was 'week' instead of 'month' written on that piece of paper.

"if this is 1 week, then in 1 month-" she shut her mouth and started calculating it on her phone, "192,000 won- isn't this too much!? heol" she cupped her mouth and her eyes were already wide since before.

It was also written that clothes, foods, and a room for her to live will also be free if she accept that offer. "Isn't this better than a gold mine?" she questioned before taking down that posture and went inside a washroom of a random hotel to get changed into dry clothes.


"I guess, the black- what was that again? didn't worked on Ahn Sohee right?" she talked to herself after looking at the large door, looking like a mansion or a modern palace.

She was about to knock on it when the doorknob slung downwards and it suddenly opened. A person who was wearing mask almost bumped into her as he went away without taking a glance at her.

Why does he seem so angry tch.

Sohee looked at that person and a female voice echoed, following him, "Jaeyun-ah! Where are you going!?"

"aigoo that youngster. He shouldn't have come here. Aigoo aigoo." She was about to close the door and go back inside but then turned back around when she saw Sohee standing there clueless.

"may I know who are you?" she questioned while tilting her head.

"o-oh oh, yeah, Im Ahn Sohee. I came here after I saw this poster saying that you need someone for help?" she bowed 90 degree and literally didn't know how to start a conversation with her so she was really very nervous.

"ahhh, yes yes, please come this way." She said with a warm smile. It was surprising for her that she didn't even had any wrinkles and she looked young and pretty with elegant and descent outfit.

damn they're rich

She made her sit on the luxurious sofa which made her feel very uncomfortable, you know, the feeling where you don't feel used to it. And also because, they were face to face.

"Ahn Sohee? Am I right?" she questioned while smiling.

"yes" Sohee responded

"well you have such a pretty name. Are you sure you're willing to apply as an assistant of him?" Mrs. Sim questioned again which made her more nervous. But all she did, was having courage and pretend like she wasn't nervous at all and acted as it was a child's play.

"him? Yes. Is there any hard problem that I need to take care of?" asked Sohee.

"I mean, my son, that guy who just left a few minutes ago. He's a very stubborn person so I was just making sure if you can really handle him or not" Mrs. Sim answered with a laugh while taking a sip of her tea.

"I bet it won't be that hard. I can't say anything unless I try. Sim Jaeyun is his name right?" Sohee said confidently with a chuckle.

"aww I like you already" she laughed. "you can fill this form and you can move in today itself" she continued with a smile and handed me the paper.

Seohee really didn't thought it would be that easy to pass the screening-

After handing the form to Mrs. Sim, she gave Seohee an allow to look around the house when her eyes caught something, a family photo which was hanging on the wall. it was Mrs. Sim, an old man, which doesn't seemed to be his father. Maybe his grandfather. An older guy who seemed to be her another son, and Jaeyun, which she thought to be guy earlier.

what the hell? It was that guy earlier, the guy at the river bank. the black string-

Her eyes got widened and cupped her face,

if this is Jaeyun- then That was Sim Jaeyun- then THAT was Sim Jaeyun- hell no-

if this is Jaeyun- then That was Sim Jaeyun- then THAT was Sim Jaeyun- hell no-

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so here it goesssssss

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