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"Yeah, we should try to book a studio sometime in the next couple of months, I have almost an entire EP of lyrics written," Nino stresses while smoking her fourth cigarette, the both of us sat on the ground near the RV.

"Okay, that's fine. I'll see if there some cheap place we can hit up or if Mads knows anyone around here," I confirm, pulling out my phone and writing it down in my notes.

We were interrupted by the RV opening, as everyone clambered out of the small door. I smirk as Nina groggily stretches while Tay leans on her, still half asleep.

"It's so cold out here," Alex shivers, quickly turning and running back into the RV for a jacket.

"Yeah, it seriously is," Bert bares his teeth as he vigorously rubs his arms up and down in an attempt to warm himself up.

I shrug, "It's not terrible."

"Yeah, it'll probably only get colder from now on. It's only September," Mads comments.

"You guys are wussies, try growing up in Canada," Tay buts in, a smug look plastered onto her face.

Nino flicks her cigarette out of her thin fingers before standing up and patting herself down. We all stood in silence as the wind continued to blow, the sound of leaves moving across the concrete being the only thing being heard between everyone.

Alex finally broke the silence by exiting the RV again, "It took me forever to find a jacket, the RV is a mess!"

I brush it off as I light another cigarette, "We can clean it on one of our free days."

"By the way, my friend said we can stay at his place for today," Mads mentions, tapping me on my shoulder.

"Sweet," Nina replies, playing with the choker on their neck.

"So, we have most of today to chill, and then at seven tonight, we need to make our way back here," I confirm, mentally making a plan in my head.

"Sounds cool," Tay says tiredly, finally getting up off of Nina's shoulder.

We all stare at her as she raises two fingers into a peace sign, "Good morning."

We all echo it back to her before I gesture for everyone to get back into the bus. I throw my half-smoked cigarette on the ground before hoisting myself up into my seat. Everyone climbs into their designated spots before I ask for Mads to plug in the address into her phone.

She hands her phone to me as I nod in acknowledgment, holding it in my right hand as I use my left hand to control the steering wheel.

"Can someone put on AFFTD?" Nina asks.

"No, let's put on CWTS," Nino argues, grabbing the CD basket off of the floor.

"No! I agree with Nina, put on AFFTD," Tay agrees, sending a fist bump towards Nina.

Nina returns the fist bump, "Yeah, me and Tay know what's up."

Alex quietly sides with Nino, "Put on CWTS."

Nino turns towards Alex with a smug look, "Fuck yeah!" she exclaims.

I exchange looks with Mads as a small argument erupts between the two groups.

"Don't even say anything about BMTH, I don't wanna get involved," I tease, whispering to Mads so the others don't hear.

She flashed a quick thumbs-up before frowning at the increased volume of the four voices.

I slow the car down as Nino stands up from her seat, "But CWTS is a masterpiece!"

"What the fuck? AFFTD is better!" Tay retorts, her arms crossed over her chest.

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