Seriously Fked Up

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Grinding teeth, scratching skin, pulling hairs. He knew this will last longer..
Throw spectacles aside he scratched his face to silence the scream he was holding..

Everything was again collapsing down again.. Again! Mother fucking again!!!
As always as usual as fkin usual..

From the scared forehead to rough skin of cheeks, his fingers felt everything
After a few seconds of self torture he went back to pull his reins.. To pull himself back to reality..

Playing some lyrical video, singing along he tried to put the demon aside, to calm the storm before anyone notice the red lines on his cheeks..
Drinking every sip of water from that soured throat..
Hoping this will be over! It will be okay.. A few minutes..

And the sudden spike bent.. Adrenaline went down.. Red marks disappeared.. Grinding of teeth stopped..
Specs went back to their place..
Drinking water became easy again..

Putting head back on the headrest, listening to whatever is playing.. Forgiving everything everyone.. Forgetting everything everyone..
He gave up on controlling himself..
A bit happy he was able to control this again without shredding a tear..

Realising why they ask for time alone in these moments..
Why sometimes simple words become harder..
How complicated the world makes a simple thought..
How all u need is to sit.. And let it pass..
You will be okay! ♥

-bs yu hi.. 19/10

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