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I think being a dragon would be pretty get to fly

-Josh Keaton

Of course he noticed her right away. Who didn't? A Hufflepuff sitting in the stands during Gryffindor Quidditch practice. He could hear the whispers about it as he tried to keep everyone on track. He wanted to get tryouts over as soon as possible.

Still he couldn't help but steal glances at her.

Her face was hidden by tangled light brown hair as she looked down at a book sitting in her lap. Her yellow and black tie was hanging haphazardly loose and dancing with the wind. A long rip adorned one of her tights, disappearing beneath her skirt.

There was a scream and Charlie sighed, turning to see the young boy on the ground. He had only fallen a few feet, but tears were still falling down his face as Charlie leaped off his own broom and lead him over to the stands. The girl was looking up now, curious at what was going on.

She looked familiar, or at least he felt he should know her from somewhere, but he couldn't place her before she was suddenly disinterested again and looking down at her book. He put his remaining focus into the tryouts and picking new teammates.

Picking a chaser was easy enough, it was keeper he was struggling with. Finally, he settled on the skinniest boy. He was only a second year, but he had kept up with the rest of the players and could easily be trained to be better.

"Alright, first practice is in exactly a week. Now go get cleaned up," Charlie said dismissing everyone. He slung his bag over his shoulder and started up, traveling from the Quidditch Pitch back to the castle. A few steps in front of him he saw the girl from the stands and the new keeper, Oliver.

"See, I told you, you could make it," she said messing Oliver's hair up. Oliver let out a groan making her laugh. "Aw, am I embarrassing you?"


"Aw, now you're blushing," she teased.

"Am not," he said shoving her. She laughed back, only stopping when Charlie spoke up.

"Hey Oliver, nice job today."

"Uh thanks Charlie," Oliver responded, glancing back as Charlie caught up to them.

"Is this your-"

"-Sister," Oliver finished for him glancing back over at her. She raised a hand in a small wave.

"Hullo. I'm Charlie."

"I know," she said. He raised an eyebrow and her eyes grew wide as she realized what she had said. "Oh god. I mean, um, hi."

"What's your name?"


"Does Ellie stand for something?" he asked, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"Um, Elisha," she said brushing a piece of her hair away from her face. She wasn't sure why she had told him. Normally she doesn't tell anyone her real name. She hated her real name.

"Well, nice meeting you Elisha," he said before walking off to the castle. She watched as he got further and further away from them. She was only snapped from this trance when her brother nudged her.

"You're staring," he said, clearly amused. Charlie didn't think they realized that he could still hear them, which amused him in turn.

"Shut up."

"Aw, now you're blushing."

"I'm not afraid to throw you into the lake!" she threatened.

"You wouldn't..."

"Watch me." Her grin was evil enough to cause him to take off running with her right behind him. Both of them running, running past the redheaded boy who was chuckling at the two. They didn't notice though, as they darted through the halls.

Charlie shook his head at the two, still trying to place Elisha. She looked to be the same age as him so it could have always been in one of his classes. Or in the hallway, in passing.

He rounded the corner just in time to see McGonagall calling out to Oliver and Elisha Wood. He stopped to watch.

"Miss Wood! and...Mr. Wood?" Professor McGonagall said from behind them. Ellie turned giving a sheepish grin. She didn't seem to notice Charlie standing slightly behind the professor.

"Hello Professor," she said. "Sorry, we were just at Quidditch tryouts."

McGonagall raised an eyebrow.

"Oliver had Quidditch tryouts," she specified. "Totally rocked it might I add. I was just there for moral support and now we'll be off to do homework and sleep. See ya in class Professor."

She grabbed her brother's arm and pulled him around the corner and down the hall, in the direction of the Gryffindor portrait. Charlie followed from a distance.

"What's the password?" She demanded shaking his arm once they had reached the portrait. He looked up her, his face furrowed and his mouth down in a frown. "Oh don't give me that. If you don't tell me then I'll just ask someone else anyway."

Charlie brushed passed them, muttering the password and allowing them all inside.

"Uh, thanks," Elisha murmured, pushing her hair from her face as she walked passed him and plunked herself down on the sofa next to a purple-haired girl. Charlie paused, debating on sitting down in the chair across from her or going upstairs and changing. Finally, he decided in going upstairs. He still had homework to do anyway.

04.01.2015: DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS DRAGONS. Oh my gosh I'm so excited for this dragon filled story although it's not going where I wanted it to go at the moment. le sigh. Anyway it's my Camp NaNoWriMo story so yay! Also Happy Birthday to the butthead twins Fred and George Weasley. You go buttheads. Anyway, do tell me what you think.

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