Girls Day

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Kaylynn POV

We got off the phone with Diamond and started to get ready.
By the time we finished getting dressed Diamond text us she was outside.
We went shopping, then to the spa, and finish our day with the men, the other girls were cool. Ronnie and Tink were their names. Tink had a twin brother ,Tank, and they were running their father's businesses, Ronnie is their secretary and Tank's women.
"How was your day beautiful." Killa asked
"It was fun I like the other girls, and it's all good and genuine vibes." I giggled
"Bitch we can hear you." Rose said
"I'm just being honest I like this circle. I feel at home at this table."
"And what do you bring to the table?" A voice said
"Who the fuck" Killa said
"Just a single question, most girls like her cling to men with money and power." The voice said again as a face I know all to well came from the darkness
"Joey, I thought you were dead" I looked at him
"No that was my twin brother that was killed I went in hiding once you got away." He paused
"But today is special I can get all y'all businesses at once."
We looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"You and what army." Tank said in a different voice
Joey raised his arms and a large group of people surrounded us.
"Aww how cute?" Tink said clapping her hands slowly
Red beams appeared on Joey and his army.
"I don't really know you, but we aren't neighborhood hustlers." Tink said
"Leave it be Tink." Tank smiled with malice
"Taz, be careful" Tink and Ronnie said in unison
"Let the leash go, please" he said

Joey began laughing, the whole experience felt out of body. Diamond scratched her temple and the guy next to Joey dropped dead.

"That's you last warning" King said
Causing a few of Joey people to back up
"You'll let them kill your first love." Joey smiled looking me over

"Your right, Joey." I got up from the couch walking up to him
Killa tried to grabbed me

"I'm sorry," I snatched away
I softly kissed Joey cheek before licking across his neck.
I stepped back as he grabbed his now blood gushing throat.
I took the razor from under my tongue.

"Now remember there are snipers waiting to kill. Joey will bleed out here, you were never here." I said looking at the men
"Kaylynn, have you lost your mind." Diamond paused "No witnesses"
"This building have special cameras. Ones they connected to a special database that can scan their face and two it's connected to King phone." I paused "he knew Joey was here with people hence the snipers already in place."
"She 100% right, I didn't know who he was or his intention. So yes I prepared for the worst." King said
"How the hell you be knowing this shit." Blaze and Rose said
"I paid attention. He phone went off every time someone step in the entrance area. Diamond rubbed her temple, he died." I pointed at the other dead body
"And you, you have a split personality. I heard the name change and seen the aura change." I said to Tank/Taz

"And this bitch don't believe she have powers." Diamond said
"Right be getting all the tea, without asking." Rose chimed in

"I'm more aware and I always been an empath so I feel differently." I paused "I am different, so what"

"Baby get these bodies up and have East on 'Joey's army'."Diamond said.

We left the rooftop, going back to the hotel, for a night cap considering we all stayed at the same hotel.
Killa and I met Tink Tank and Ronnie on the elevator while heading to King and Diamond's presidential suite.

"I'm glad you all changed into something more comfortable." Diamond said

"Blaze said Rose wasn't feeling good after those drinks."
"We should go check on her." I said concerned
"Baby he has her, you can't go out your way while on a business vacation." Killa said stopping me

My phone went off

Bitch see if you or one of the girls have a pregnancy test. Just realized I'm late asf

I quickly closed my phone, and went over to the girls.
"Hey ladies"I said
"Hey boo" they responded
"Where's Rose" Ronnie asked
"Y'all bitches ain't gonna believe this." I said before telling them about the text Rose sent me
"I do, King keeps ovulation and pregnancy test. His ass want more sons." She rolled her eyes before walking off
"Killa marble head ass wants more kids, but he gonna wait." I laughed before hands were placed around my waist
"Yea Tank definitely got to wait" Ronnie said
"Wait for what." Tank asked
"We were talking about having kids." I said
"So you told them." Killa smiled "would y'all believe she 5 months pregnant."
Diamond came back as he finished

"Bitch should've told us, while you putting yourself in dangerous positions." Diamond said handing me a tampon box with a wink.

"She don't need tampons if she pregnant." King said

"Rose asked for them mind y'all business. I'll take them to her now." I said walking towards the door

"Imma come with." Tink said
We walked to Rose and Blaze room
"I told y'all, my girl sick we not-" Blaze stopped seeing me
"Move it's my bestie." I pushed passed him
"You manly as pregnant woman" he said as we walked in

"Hey babes, I brought what you asked." I winked handing her the tampon box
"Girl she asked for a pregnancy test" Blaze said as she walking in the bathroom

"Ok but only the girls know in case it's only a scare." I mugged him
"I know how to handle you." Blaze pulled his phone out
"Killa you need to come get your wife and her bodyguard.... Her manly ass almost pushed me over soon as I opened the door." He ranted while pacing
"You a pussy, calling him for backup from one woman." Tink laughed
"Y'all leave my man alone." Rose said coming out the bathroom

"So are we having a baby." Blaze asked
"It takes 5-10 mins." I shook my head
"You can tell he double strapped up in the past." Tink said
"You damn right. Three times for strippers but I been raw dogging Rose for years."
"So damn vulgar." Rose face palm herself
"Call me with the news and get some rest." I kissed her cheek before Tink and I went back to Diamond and King's suite.

"Why you go down there putting your hands on people." Killa asked as we walked in
"I pushed pass him and he was ready to cry." I rolled my eyes. "And beside he called me a man twice." I whined into his chest.

He rubbed my back while playing in my hair, making me tired.
"Staaawwwwwpppp before you put me to sleep." I squirmed in his arms
"That secret got you tired." Ronnie said
"Bitch how you ain't tell us you was pregnant. Really said he had to wait for another child." Diamond laughed
"We were going do a surprise baby shower. That Aiden and Dutchess were planning." I explained
Everyone laughed as Killa rubbed my belly,
"We'll since we know we can help Aiden and Dutchess set everything up" Ronnie said
"Please cause she pregnant too and I don't want her stressing out." I smiled

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