Family Day Out

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Kaylynn POV

This nigga blowing me keep taking me places . We was pulling up to another boutique, he was trying to spend a couple bands on me but I do all my shopping online. I was getting tired of riding around.

"Nigga I don't like these wack ass boutiques. I do my shopping online, and half of my closet still got tags on it. Let's go I'm fucking tired." I mugged him

"Ard we can go home so we can take a nap. Get the fuck out your feelings." He yelled at me.

"Nigga you lucky you got Kam in your arms, or I would've stole your punk ass." I flip him off walking to the car.

"I don't know why you walking fast you bet not touch that car door." He said from behind me.

I rolled my eyes waiting for him to unlock the car. Once he unlocked the door I opened it and hopped in while he put Kamarah in her seat.

"You must wanna get fucked up." He glared at me putting his seatbelt on. "Keep playing and you gonna be giving Kammy a lil brother or sister."

I burst out laughing "Boy please I ain't having no more kids outta wedlock. But that was a good one."

We pulled into my driveway, when I spotted my Dad's car in front my house. "Kamarah papa is here." I cooed as I woke her up.

Her eyes popped open. "Yayyyyy papa" she yelled unbuckling herself. "You think he brought me candy." She said getting out the car.

"We got places to be. My momma wanna meet her granddaughter and future daughter in law." Cameron said grabbing the shopping bags.

"Welp look like you gotta meet my dad first. I told you I need a nap before I do anything else." I rolled my eyes unlocking the door.

"Fix your attitude Kay. Today's not the day." He said hugging me from behind.

Walking in we spotted my father laying on the couch. Kamarah ran over to him and kissed his cheek, letting me know he was sleep. So I walked upstairs, stripped out of my clothes, and got in bed.

"So you gonna go to sleep without me, that's cruddy." Cameron climbed in bed next to me. "I put Kammy down for another nap. Your pops still sleep on the couch."

As he talked I started dozing off. About 15 minutes into my nap, Kamarah climb in the bed and snuggled between me and Cameron. "Spoiled brat" I grumble

"Don't talk about me grandchild" My dad said standing in the doorway. "Hey baby girl. So this the mystery man that got you pregnant?" He looked at Cameron.

"Yes daddy, it was a one night stand that led to us co-parenting." I explained running my finger through my hair.

"Co-parenting my ass. That nigga want you as more than his child mother." He said with his arms folded over his chest.

"Pops he gotta earn that. I been celibate since I met him 3 years ago. And he ain't bout to waltz his ugly ass in here tryna change shit."  I rolled my eyes. "Beside how would you know you was sleep when we got in."

"That's where your wrong I'm always listening and I knew him before you did. He used to work for me and since I only had your prissy ass I gave him the cartel." He said walking away

"That's prissy gangster thank you very much." I sat there thinking, I used to go to the trap to pick up money how did I miss him. I continued thinking when I felt Cameron squeezed my thigh causing me to let out a small yelp.

"Stop playing Killa, I'm tryna go back to sleep." I lied as I turned my back towards him.

"Stop lying you been up I heard you talking to OG. You probably thinking about when you used to pick up money from the trap." He laughed.

"Killa how the fuck you know that." I sat back up.

"You was thinking out loud. But I used to count the money and go to meeting you wouldn't see me unless you got stacks for OG." He paused "Now get your ass up and get ready to go meet my moms." He said gettin out my bed.

He started walking out the room "and this you not living with me shit gonna come to an end. You can keep the house as a safe house but you gonna be staying with me starting Sunday. So get y'all overnight bags together and be ready by the time I get back."

"Nigga you ain't my daddy I pay my bills. So I'm staying in my house that I paid for, with my money." I said going in Kamarah room to pack her overnight bag as he left out the house.
Of course I was going to get our bags together, but I was gonna talk shit since he wanna act like he running shit. I packed both of us enough clothes for two weeks. As I was bout to get in the shower my doorbell rung.
"Who is it" I asked looking through the peephole to find Rose and Candy. These bitches must've looked at my location.
"Y'all bitches could've used y'all keys got me running down the stairs and shit." I said opening the door.
"Girl where Killa at." Rose asked.
"I don't know he left like 20minutes ago. He should be back soon though. Cause we 'pose to go to his momma's house for dinner." I said going back upstairs with them following behind me.

"Since when Kammy started sleeping back in your bed." Candy asked as I woke Kamarah up to take a bath.

"Girl since that damn daddy of hers came around, she always under him. We was taking a nap and she squeezed between us to lay with him." I said as I washed her up.

"Mommy where did daddy go." Kamarah said half sleep.

"He went to take a shower he should be on his way back.

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