Present Day

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Kaylynn POV

It's been 3 years since I heard from Killa. I now have a 2-year-old daughter by him, I have been celibate since that night at the club. I just finished putting my daughter, Kamarah, to sleep and was cleaning my house when my front door opened.

"Rose I thought you were gonna stay home tonight," I yelled from the kitchen as I was washing dishes.

Then I heard something in my living room crash, and heavy footstep going towards the stairs. I walked out the kitchen to see 3 men dressed in black.

"Oh hell naw, bring yall asses back downstairs! I swear if yall wake my daughter up, I'm killing yall and whoever sent you." I snapped

The 3 men stopped turning to look at me. I looked in my living room and seen the vase my grandmother gave me was broken. I walked into the kitchen getting the broom and dustpan before returning to the living room.

"So which of you motherfuckers broke my vase," I asked

The smallest guy raised his hand, causing the other two to laugh.

"Clean my fucking vase up and your boss owes me a new one," I said handing the guy the broom and popping the other two in the head.

"Shawty don't hit me, I ain't no pussy ass nigga." one said

"Whatever, clean the rest of my house since yall wanna walk in here like yall owe shit." I paused "and tell whoever sent you I'm not going nowhere until my child wakes up. Goodnight." I said walking up the stairs

I went in my bedroom and hopped in the shower. I didn't have a clue who would want to kidnap me and Kamarah. I sat in the shower until the water started to go cold, I then washed using my 'honey vanilla body wash. I wrapped my towel around me walking into my room.

Killa POV

Kaylynn ain't never hit me back after the night at the club. It's been 3 years and I have a daughter I been watching grow up on Instagram and I'm tired of that shit. I went to her contact remembering that she shared her location with me. I sent 3 of my foot soldier to her house to check on her and our daughter.

I was thinking about that night when the lil nigga Ant called.

"Speak" I answered

"Yo, we got a situation. Her mean ass said she ain't going nowhere until the kid wakes up then told us to clean her house." He said into the phone

"I'm on my way and her house better be spotless," I said into the phone.

I hopped in my car and headed to her house. Damn, she's living nice. I thought to myself. I walked up to the door and Ant opened it.

"Where she at?" I asked

"Upstair to the right," he said walking into the living room

I went up to her room and heard the shower running so I sat on the bed. I would've come around sooner but I was in the middle of a drug war. As I was thinking, the bathroom door open. She was even more beautiful than I remember. She was so into her thought she didn't notice me. I watched as she walked over to her dresser for her bra and panties set.

I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around here. She let out a small yelp before turning around in my arms. She looked into my eyes then pushed me away, she started to walked back to the bathroom, until I grabbed her arm.

"What do you want Killa," she asked with sadness in her voice "why wait 3 fucking years to show up." she snapped punching my chest.

Usually, I wouldn't let anybody hit me, but she had every right to be mad. She stopped hitting me and buried her face in my chest and cried. I held her while she cried until she pushed me off her.

"Get your dumbass friends out my house. My shit better be spotless and you owe me for the vase they broke." She dropped her towel and started getting dress.

Kaylynn POV

I can't believe this nigga really walked in my house after 3 years like ain't shit happen, I should beat his ass. As I was pacing the floor he walked back in the room, his eyes full of lust. I stop pacing and walked passed him to check on Kamarah. She was walking out of her bathroom half-sleep.

"Mommy who is that?" she said rubbing her eyes.

"That's your father," I said picking her up

"So he's back from his trip. He never called me, why" she said sadly

"Daddy's sorry princess, I had to keep you and mommy safe. But let's get you back to bed and we can talk about it tomorrow while we go shopping." Killa said

I rolled my eyes and put Kamarah in bed where she instantly went back to sleep. I kissed her head before saying a silent prayer over her. I walked back to my bedroom and sat on my bed waiting for Killa to return.

"Damn we made a beautiful baby." Killa smiled sitting next to me.

"No, I made a beautiful baby. I went through the pregnancy, the labor, and 2 years alone. You don't get credit for Kamarah." I snapped at him.

"Why didn't you call me like I told you to." he asked, "I could've been in my daughter's life from the jump." He snapped before I could answer.

"First of all, I did call and some bitch answered. No let me fix that, the bitch Jamie answered saying y'all was together and that I was a quick fuck. I ain't in the business of bothering a nigga that can't keep his dick in his pants when he already got a bitch." I snapped putting my finger in his face.

"Jamie??? You mean the bitch that do my jail drops." Killa asked laughing "That bitch sucked my dick a few times and let all my boys hit. Now why would I deal with a bitch like that when I got a queen like you." he said seriously.

"Don't butter me up nigga you still missed our child's birth and first 2 years." I rolled my eyes climbing into my bed "Goodnight Killa"

"Killa is for people I don't trust you call me Cameron or Daddy." He smirked getting undress and climbing in bed with me.

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