Baby Shower

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Killa POV

The baby shower was all set up. Kaylynn decided to do a double gender reveal. So her and Duchess were getting ready while Aiden and I made sure everything was in order.
"Everything better go right I'm not dealing with these crazy pregnant women being sad." Aiden said
"I'm with you, imma get Kay her favorite ice cream and sleep on the  couch in our room." I said watching everything get set up

"Nugget head I gotta question." Kaylynn walked up to me eating ice cream
"Yes crazy lady 1" Aiden said
"Wasn't talking to you" she threw her spoon at him.
"Yes baby" I said
"He made me drop my spoon." She cried
"Ain't nobody tell you to throw it." Aiden said walking away
"How I'm gonna eat my ice cream now." She whined
"We can get you another one." I rubbed her back

"Junior what you do to my future daughter-in-law." My father walked into the backyard
"Aiden did it and Killa ain't fix it." She said as my dad babied her

"Imma go kick Aiden ass for you." He rubbed her head before going in the house

Aiden POV

After Lynnie threw her spoon I went to check on Duchess.
"Hey beautiful are you ready?" I asked
"Fuck you Aiden you know I can't put my shoes on alone." She threw her shoes on the floor
"Let me help you." I paused putting her shoes on "See I got you baby."

"Yea for now." She mumbled as we walked upstairs
We got to the backyard and Big Cam started chasing me
"What you chasing me for." I asked
"Don't worry I'm gonna catch you. Making Kay sad on her day." He walked away

I walked over to Kaylynn
"Really you telling now. Almost got me squashed by Big Cam."
"Get him or I'll get you." She glared at Killa

"Aiden leave my woman alone." Killa said
"You right big dog jr." I walked over to Duchess
"He must have forgot my baby is the star of the football team." Duchess laughed
"Kaylynn got them crazy niggas on me." I said
"Just stop talking to her. I almost got shot behind her." Blaze walked over to me
"No you almost got shot by me." She glared at him

"You need anger management, got damn loony bin" Blaze mumbles

Kaylynn POV

Between Aiden and blaze I don't know who's worst.
All Duchess do is giggle while they pick on me, then wanna whine when I get Cam or Cam Sr on Aiden. 
"Brandon leave my woman alone." Kila said
"Before I find Rose another nigga" I mugged him
"Not my wife" he said
Suddenly Rose walked through the backdoor with a guy carrying 2 cases of juice
"I'll get the rest from the car." He tells her after sitting the juices at the gate where Rose waited
Blaze's mouth dropped as he looked at me
"I don't know anything. I was just joking." I said
The guy brought in two boxes of liquor and sat them next to the juices Rose gave him a $20 bill before walking over to us.
"Who the fuck was that?" Blaze said
"I caught a Uber here after going to the store did you not see the trip status." She pulled his phone from his pocket
"I called twice when we were outside and you didn't answer so I tipped him to carry it in" she said
"Kaylynn see me when you drop my god baby." Blaze said
"What's going on?" Rose asked
"Lynnie said she was going to get you a new man then you walked in with ol' boy. Blaze's ass was ready to cry." Aiden laughed holding Duchess

"Friend leave my man alone, you know I'm the only real bitch he ever had" Rose kissed Blaze's face
"Your friend a bully baby." He kissed her

We all sat together, as we were talking, people constantly wanted to rub my baby bump and take pictures of it
"This a baby shower, my wife is not some photo prop." Killa said
"Boy move, let me see that belly." Some lady said
"I don't even know you, get away." I said as Killa blocked her from me
"This ain't a fucking petting zoo." Aiden said "They set a time zone for touching and pictures. Don't interrupt us against or you get kicked out"
"With that being said only close family and friends will be able to participate thanks to you all annoying the pregnant ladies." Blaze said
The lady went to sit down but security escorted her out the venue
We ate, played games, and opened presents before it was time to take pictures. I went to change out my dress and into my two piece outfit.

"Now for the petting zoo." I said to myself walking back into the venue
"Please don't overwhelm the ladies if you are sick don't touch them when they say that's enough stop. Anybody is liable to be kicked out.".  Killa said

The pictures went well probably because that lady was put out.
"Ok petting zoo is over, only grandparents, god parents and the father can touch them" Blaze said

I'm glad the touching has stop, I had to pee so I went to find Cam.
"Honey I'm going to the restroom" I told him while him and Blaze talk to Gunna.
"Before you go" he pulled me into him, my back to his chest. He rubbed my belly for a moment before lifting it. "Breath with me"
He held my stomach for a minute
"I'm going to release in 3, 2, 1" he said as he let go
"Thank you for taking such good care of me, handsome." I kissed his cheek before going to the bathroom
As I'm washing my hands, Moana comes in the bathroom.
"I'm so happy you found your mr. forever" she paused "Can I rub your stomach"
"Go ahead, I met your brother." I said
"I'm so sorry, he told me about it. He just mad he can't get you so he tryna make you unattractive to him." She rolled her eyes. "I however would like to gift you with this check for the baby set up a savings and let it build."
"You mean add it to my children's saving." I laughed as I put the check in my purse not looking at it.
She grabbed my arm and walked me out the bathroom. We made it back to Killa and the guys as they talked
"She seems more feminine than before." Gunna said "you taught her to listen to you, that you're the man."
"I always knew he was the man. The problem was that than he was just my child's father now his my soon to be husband. Also I enjoy stepping into my feminine energy after being on my own for years." I said my voice cracking
"Enough" Killa said in my ear before looking at Gunna
"I let that last shit slide if I can't make her cry nobody can" Blaze stepped up
"What shit" Moana said
"He tried to imply Kay tricking and trapping Killa. But his real friend knows Killa is trapping Kay." Blaze said
"And proud of it. Gunna I don't think you understand how thin the ice is." Killa said walking me away "get gone."
"Yo you so fucking stupid she turned you down get tf over it." Moana yelled as they left
"I think she knew he was on bullshit, just wasn't sure what he planned. She gave me a check as a gift." I told Killa
"His ass always on bullshit. I got someone on him." Blaze said without any hesitation

We end the baby shower shortly after. Our parents had a cleaning crew ready, so we went home. Killa ran us a bath, his parents still had Kamarah so we can relax.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2024 ⏰

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