Trap life

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Killa POV

I left Kay's house and headed to the trap. Apparently some of my money was missing and I don't play that bullshit. I pulled out my glock before getting out the car. Walking in I seen that the usual shit wasn't happening. Niggas was actually working, bitches wasn't flirting or sucking dick for extra dollars, the trap was clean how I liked it to be.

"This what I like to see. But y'all motherfucker ain't off the hook. I got money missing and I want it the fuck back." I barked making Blaze walk out the office

"My nigga my nigga where you been." He said dapping me up.

"We'll talk about that later right now let get our money straight playa." I said causing him to get serious.

"Foot soldier in dungeon A, bagger and bitches in dungeon B." Blaze said then we went back to my office.

"Who notice the money missing?" I asked pulling out the book with all my employees names and pictures in it.

"The lil bitch Jamie used to hang with, Tink. She was counting what the block boys gave her, we reported sending out 5,000 worth with each group. And three groups came up short $2,000 each." He said looking over Tink's report.

"So we missing $6,000. I need Tink and the three group in the meeting room now. I got shit to do and this shit throwing me off schedule." I said rubbbin my hand down my face.

"Alright nigga but what's so important you stressing you ain't got no bitch and you ain't in touch with babygirl." He said concern.

"Man I just found babygirl and I jhi think it time we become a family. We pose to have dinner with Madukes tonight." I said "But enough of this mushy shit let get this money right."

"I was bout to say I already text Ghost to put them in the meeting room. Let's figure this shit out."
Blaze said as we walked in to the meeting room. "Tink you up first the fuck is going on." Blaze said.

I sat with my glock in front of me, waiting for her to lie or catch an attitude.

"I went to pick up the money and put each group money in the bag designated by corner name...."

She continued to explain but I zoned out on what she said and watched her body language. Tink wasn't a very good liar in person. I watched her so I know she wasn't lying. I put my hand up silencing her.
"Tink how much was missing from the group working Overtown." I said watching the Overtown group "and who gave you the money"
"$2000 was missing and Fin gave me the money," she said pointing to Fin.

"Fin my boy step up, let's hear your story." I laughed watching his body language. His body language story told a different story. I took the safety off my gun.
"Now imma ask you again. And this time I want the truth." He looked at the other guys and hung his head low.
"I'm sorry Killa I needed the money for my mom medical bills she got breast cancer and.." I put my hand up for him to stop
"Your still lying to us, Fin. Yes your mother have breast cancer but medical bills. That can't be we already paid those off. The truth or the whole group gettin popped." Blaze said waving his gun
"And you bet not be takin nobody beef or imma knock your ass out." I said then my phone rung, it was Kaylynn.
"Fuck, Blaze I gotta take this. But I'm gonna be watching and listening." I went to my office "Now as you was sayin" I said through the intercom answering my phone

"Hey babygirl" I said into the phone.
"How you gonna tell me to get our things ready and not come back like you bugging," Kaylynn yelled into the phone
"First off, cut all that yelling out before I give you a reason to yell. Secondly, some shit went down and I gotta fix it. If I'm not there in the next 20 minutes imma give you my momma address and just meet you there. Bye I love y'all."
"Fuck off my phone Killa." She hung up.
I went back to the meeting room. Fin looked down, as Ice and White Boy glared at him.

"So all three group leaders tryna bite the hand that fed you." I shook my head "Fin I warned you about following vultures. Imma spare y'all tonight cause I have plans but y'all better be out of Miami in the next 2 days. Fin you can stay do to your sick mother but Ice and Whiteboy if I ever see y'all again it's off with your heads" I walked out the meeting room.
I shower in my office bathroom then changed my clothes before walking out the trap I went to Blaze's office.
"Man I'm bout to head out you tryna meet me at Madukes for dinner, meet your niece." I asked
"Yea nigga let me close up shop and shit then I'll be there."

Kaylynn POV
After hanging up on Cameron, I got undressed and laid in bed. Getting ready to doze off again, my phone began to ring.
"What Killa?" I said tiredly
"Your ass better be ready when I get there. If I have to wake you up, we won't make it to my mom house." He growled making me wet
"Boy boo. Ain't nobody scared of you. If I fall asleep it cause I been waiting all day and you ain't even my nigga." I rolled out of bed and put my robe on.
He got me fucked up, I started to get dressed again. I already had Kamarah dress but she was probably sleeping now.
"I should bust him in his face. Talking to me like I'm one of his hoe." I said doing my make up.
"Stop playing with me I told your ass to be ready." Cameron said
"Boy boo, I'm not bout to get make up on my white shirt." I rolled my eyes carefully putting my shirt on before unwrapping my hair.
"While you staring go put your daughter in the car. The fuck got an eye problem or something." I combed and fluffed my hair the way I wanted it.
"Kay stop playing with me, or Ima put another child into you slim." He grabbed me by my neck.
"Ain't we pose to be going somewhere, nasty." I asked as he let go of my neck.
"Yea dinner at my moms." He said wrapping my arms around him.
"I don't wanna meet your momma. You can take Kamarah but I'm staying home. Cause if she say some shit I don't like I'm not gonna bite my tongue." I rolled my eyes
"Shut that dumb shit up. They been knew about y'all. I have been getting cursed out since she found out." He said giving me a kiss.
I started to kiss back then I pushed him off me.
"Nigga, I don't know where your lips been." I walked in Kamarah's room to find her sleep.
"Wake up Kammy, Daddy's back." I whisper in her ear, causing her to open her eyes.
"Where is he." She rubbed her eyes as he picked her up.
"I'm right here princess and we're going to see your grandma." He said to her.
"But gamma died when mommy was younger." She looked at me.
"Yes but daddy's mom is also your grandma, and she made us dinner so let's go." I said leaving out the room.

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