Kamarah's father

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Kaylynn POV

After 3 lonely years, it felt good to wakes up in a man's arm. Even if Cameron left me to take care of Kamarah alone, I wouldn't call him mine he still got to earn that title. I tried to get out of bed to start my morning routine and cook breakfast, but Cameron pulled me back to him.

"Cameron get off me. Damn our daughter still got to eat." I smacked his arm

"Don't play with me, ain't that how we got Kamarah." He let me go, after kissing my cheek. "now go make breakfast so we can go shopping."

"Whatever nigga, there's toothbrushes and washcloths in the bathroom closet" I smacked him with a pillow before walking into the bathroom. I finished my hygiene then went to make breakfast. I was cooking eggs when I heard Kamarah laughing calling my name

"Mommy, help Daddy won't stop tickling me." She laughed running into the kitchen.

"Kam you know better than to play in the kitchen. Cameron, stop before you get her in trouble for playing in my damn kitchen, especially while I'm cooking." I glared at him

"Come on Kammy, let's go wash our hands look like breakfast is almost ready," Cameron said picking Kamarah up

"Ok daddy." she giggled as I made our plates.

I was setting the table when I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to answer it, I looked through the peephole and seen Rose standing there with Jamie and my cousin Candy. I opened the door

"Ooh, bitch who nice ass car is that. You finally got a nigga?" Rose asked

"Bitch, spill cause I know you ain't letting just anybody around Kam." Candy laughed

"If you nosey bitches must know Kamarah's father spent the night, and we 'pose to spend today together," I said letting them in as I went to get my plate from out the dinner room

"I thought her father was, just some nigga you hooked up with one night." Jamie rolled her eyes picking at her nails

Killa POV

Me and Kamarah had just washed our hands and I got her dress. We were heading back downstairs to breakfast when I heard Kaylynn talking to somebody.

"If you nosey bitches must know Kamarah's father spent the night and we 'pose to spend today together," she said

"I thought her father was just some nigga you hooked up with one night." A familiar voice said

"Bitch don't worry about all that unlike some people I know who my child father is." Kaylynn snapped.

I walked down the stairs sitting Kammy in her high chair then walked up behind Kaylynn. I wrapped my arms around her waist and put my head in the crook of her neck. Her friends looked at us in shock.

"Nigga move your big ass head off me. Bye go eat, I ain't cook for nothing nigga." She pushed my head off her.

I threw my hands up in surrender, pecked her cheek and grabbed her empty plate. I put her plate in the sink and went to the dining room to eat with Kamarah. She was almost finished, I sat down and started to eat. As I was eating I heard Kaylynn cursing Jamie out, so I went to see what was happening.

"Maybe if you mind your fucking business, we wouldn't have a problem." one girl said to Jamie as the other one held Kaylynn back

"What you mean? Rose, that bitch been fucking my man." Jamie yelled in the girl's face

"Hold the fuck up," I said walking in the living room. "Jamie, don't fake like that. I ain't your man never have been and never will be. You do jail drops for me and sucked my dick a few times." I said making her blush with embarrassment.

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