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here comes the day, that Ray Hana will be out from this h***. Next time I really gonna take care of myself with proper care... Ray's inner self whispers as she correcting her outfit, where she wear a sleeveless white dress, with her autumn plaid blouse. She completes it with white jeans and a pair of beige sneakers, that fits with the colour of her plaid blouse. on her head, Ray neatly styled her favourite white shawl, that she founds pretty weird.

I looked ridiculous with this outfit, but yeah, it's worth a try...

 afterwards, Ray arranges her belongings into her beige bag pack, which is actually her late mother's favourite bag pack. The bag pack really bring back those memories where her late mother always said 

"the colour of this bagpack is not only represents unification, Ray. It also symbolizes as calm and simplicity, like our lives being simple even it's not always calm. Life is short, so you need to always be simple and learn to appreciate your own self in order to be calm, alright?"

I always remember your qoutes to me, mom... Ray tear up, as she sits on the hospital bed, holding the bag pack in her arms, as she hugs it. She really miss the person who always motivate her to keep going, literally her mother was everything to her. as she almost sobs, Ray hears the noise of the ward door. She quickly wipe her tears and fake a smile, as she knows who'll going to pick her up today.

"Hey hey, munchkin! How are you? Are you ready to go?" Nathan barged in with his usual cheeky smile, which make Ray roll her eyes, disgusts at the nickname he gaves.

"I told you to stop calling me that... I am perfectly fine, no worries. I can't wait to get out of here..."

"You need to take care of your health more often from now on, Ray. Don't even think of skipping your meds or I'll tell Danny that you have a big crush on him!" Nathan teases with a naughty face.

Ray's cheeks became bright red as she hear that. wait... do I have a crush on him?!  "Your face said it all, Ray. I mean, it's really obvious from how you react to him when he talks to you" Nathan explains, because his bestie can be a idiot in terms of liking someone, as Ray never experienced that feeling, like ever. 

Ray gasps, as she rewinds that moment when her heart beats fast for someone, for the first time in her life.

" You should remember me as well"

"Your past... is still haunting you?"

"Always... I promise"

"enough with the flashbacks, stupid. Let's head off to the counter" awaken Ray from her pensive thinking, Nathan carries her beige bag pack and almost opens the ward door. Ray followed him from behind, awaken to reality

After a discharge from the hospital, Ray went into the front seat of Nathan's car, along with Nathan, who sits on the driver's seat, adjusting his seat so that he can drive safely. "We're gonna go straight to Danny's house. Is there anything that you wanna buy for him?" He asks

"Why exactly?"

"Danny turns 21 today, and he supposed to pick you up from the hospital, as Aunt Uniely was very busy today. But he had some important business at home that he asked me to pick you up instead" Nathan explains, as he sighed deep down. important business, as if! he thinks I didn't know what actually happened then?!

Ray looked at Nathan, surprised. he.. he's actually older that me?! now how am I suppose to face him?! she screams inside, as she never thought that Danny is a bit older than her when actually, his face look like a 18 year old student. " Let's stop by the mall instead. I'm gonna buy his present, as a token of our friendship"

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