Chapter #5

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   George aggressively opened the door and sprinted inside the building. It was a red brick with a darker wood trimmed building. There was a few windows on the front side of the building. A few flowers were scattered about in front of the library.

"Woah, George. Jesus, you don't have to break the door to get in here. It's a pull door," Sapnap spoke from behind the checkout area as he watched the brunet run up to him.

"Sap, I need help," George gasped trying to catch his breath from running so quickly. Sapnap sighed, "George, I'm working. My shift ends in ten minutes, can this wait?" George groaned in annoyance before stomping his way over to a nearby reading nook.

George stared out the window to entertain himself. He watched as snow began to fall from the sky, the fluffy white precipitation beginning to pile up little by little on the ground on top of the previous, now mostly melted, snow. The brunet gazed up slightly to see the sky with almost no blue showing, it was all puffy white clouds.

"Ok, my shifts over. What's the issue, grogs?" Sapnap questioned as carried over a stool, it was the same dark wood as the accents in the building.

George was startled by the sudden sound, his gaze turned to the blueish-eyed boy who sat there intently waiting to hear what was so important that George came while he was working.

"I saw, Clay. Holy crap- he's gotten so hot," George felt his face heat up just thinking about the blond. He knew it was wrong to be so lovestruck and he sounded like a simp.

Sapnap chuckled loudly, he tried keeping his tone down since they were in the library. "Dang, boy you are so in love," George's face flushed.

"I am not," He retorted playfully. The two sat in silence for a moment before George spoke up again, "Sapnap, what do I do?"

"Look, just because I've got a boyfriend does not mean that I know how I did it," Sapnap spoke defensively, his hands up on either side of his head.

"I never really thought of him until I caught a glimpse of him when buying some toys," George whined, "How did I get like this?" He covered his face with his hands, resting his elbows against his knees.

Sapnap rubbed Georges back comfortingly, "I think you always loved him, you just didn't want to admit it. You guys were so happy and then you broke up with him and you've refused to tell me why," Sapnap took a deep breath before continuing, "Look, I understand if you don't want to tell me. But, at least promise me that you won't force yourself to feel a certain way about him, positive or negative."

George pondered for a moment, he knew everything that Sapnap said was true, and it hurt. 'Why does he have to know everything?' George sighed.

"What if you went to the gala with him?" Sapnap questioned catching George off guard.

"I don't know, Sapnap..." Replied George simply.

"Oh come on now, it will be fun. You could go with Karl and I?" Sapnap tried to convince the stubborn boy next to him.

"Sapnap, I- I saw Clay kiss a girl," George muttered quietly, he felt tears prickle at his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment.

Sapnaps attitude became more serious, "H-he what?" He breathed out. George nodded his head slowly, "Yeah..."

"Come on, let's go to my place. We can have some hot cocoa and watch movies," Sapnap suggested.

"That sounds nice. Thanks, Sapnap." The two boys exited the library and walked to Sapnap and Karl's apartment.

"Karl, baby, I'm home," Sapnap called out as him and George entered. Loud footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. A brunet ran around the corner and latched onto Sapnap tightly.

"Yay," Karl wrapped his arms around Sapnap's neck and he rested his head on the ravens shoulder. George wished he could hold someone like that.

Eventually, the two pulled apart and Karl greeted George, not as enthusiastically as Sapnap, but still kindly.

George looked around the place and noted how wonderfully decorated the place was. There was a real tree in the living room decorated nicely with colorful ordainments.

The two settled down on the couch, Sapnap and Karl cuddling under a blanket. On the TV played Nightmare before Christmas, one of George's childhood favorites.


"Thanks for letting me over," George spoke sweetly as he hugged Sapnap and Karl goodbye.

"It was nice having you over. Hopefully we can meet up soon," Spoke Sapnap, George nodded in agreement before waving goodbye as the door shut behind him.

George put his freezing cold hands in his jacket to try and provide some warmth, news flash, it didn't work too well. George scolded himself for not wearing more layers.

As the brunet walked down the sidewalk, his gaze wandered from store to store, looking at all the Christmas decorations.

George sighed in comfort as he sprawled out on his couch. As much as he loved his friend and his boyfriend, it felt nice to be home.

Georges eyes scanned around his house, he noticed how bare the walls looked. He hadn't decorated for Christmas yet. George realized that tomorrow was Tuesday, December 7. That also meant he was off.

Tomorrow he could decorate around the house. He could makes a gingerbread house too! That would be fun.

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