Chapter #9

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It felt as though a weight had been taken off of George's shoulders as he walked out the door of Minx's. (Minx's Café & Candies)

George thought about what he wanted to do, he was in the mood to hang out. It was only around 4:30pm, so he had a few hours before he would head to bed.

"Maybe I should call, Sapnap," George thought as he entered his small-medium house. The brunet walked into the kitchen.

He grabbed the pink phone off of the wall and began to dial his friends number.





"Hello?" A voice could be heard through the phone.

"Hey Sapnap, it's me," George greeted joyfully.

"Hey, George. Do you need something? Or did you just wanna talk?"

"Sort of...I was wondering if you and Karl wanted to meet me at the park to hang out for a few hours. I'm kinda bored and don't really have anything else to do." George explained.

"We aren't doing anything. Let me ask Karl to make sure though. I'll be right back!" George could make out muffled talking in the background with an occasional word being heard.

"Yep, that's works. We'll see you like thirty minutes?" George hummed in agreement before saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

George squealed happily before hopping up and rushing to his bedroom to get changed into his outfit.

(Sorta like the picture above ^)

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(Sorta like the picture above ^)

George turned on the bathroom light and began to run his fingers through his hair trying to fluff it up a bit to make it look better.

After a few minutes, George was satisfied with his looks and exited the room. He entered the kitchen quickly to grab his keys, wallet, and phone.


The snows shimmer began to disappear slightly as the sun went down over the hills of snow. The sky was a mixture of warm colors.

George spotted two figures near the park and ran over to them.

"Hey guys, it's nice to see you again!" George smiled, Sapnap and Karl happily returning the gesture.

"It's great to talk to you again, George," Karl spoke softly.

"Did you get balls yet?" Sapnap asked, startling both Karl and George. Karl smacked his boyfriends arm.


"Did you ask Clay to the Gala yet?" Sapnap clarified as if it was obvious as to what he was referring to.

"Oh... uh- no, not yet." George messed around with his hands in his pockets to avoid showing his nerves in front of his friends.

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