Chapter 5 - Your mine Y/n~!

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Bonnie's P.o.v

Chica, Foxy, Goldie, and I were in the backstage chatting. It's kinda awkward since we aren't as cheerful as we you used to be. I still can't believe Freddy, what was wrong with him? Speaking of Freddy, tonight he went somewhere else. I don't know where but I know he's hiding something. "Aye me be hungry"said Foxy. "Me too" Chica said looking down at her shoes. "I'll make some pizza" I said walking towards the door. I opened the door and was about to leave when I saw a girl trying to leave. She had h/c hair and e/c eyes, she was wearing a f/c blouse with blue jeans on. I was about to do something until I heard Freddy. What the? I softly and quietly closed the door a little and watched. Freddy ran up to her, grabbed her arm, and pulled her back. "Where do you think you're going?" I watched as the poor girl struggled. "You're not going anywhere, love~" he sad dragging her somewhere else. "Bonnie wha be wrong?" Asked Foxy putting a hand on my shoulder. I closed the door and faced him, Chica, and Goldie "He captured someone!" Chica's eyes widened "He what?!" "Yea I just saw him dragging a girl to a different room" "We have to help her!" "No we don't" I look at Goldie who's just staring at the wall. "Why not?!" He looked at me with a blank face. "It's not our problem. It only matters if she was our friend or a child" I glared at him "Are you serious?! We have to!" "No we don't" repeated Goldie. "Oh I see...if it was Skylar you would've helped her in a heartbeat" "Bonnie don't" warned Chica."No I'm right. Aren't I?!" I shouted. Goldie got up and walked over to me. He was about to uppercut me but I blocked him, I punched his stomach and we started fighting. "Stop you too!" Shouted Foxy trying to stop us. Foxy finally had gotten us apart. "You too are acting like children!" He shouted glaring at us both. "Whatever" said Goldie sitting back now. "Let's go and plan out what to do" said Chica walking over to my side. Me and Foxy nodded and headed outside. I looked back at Goldie and sighed. "You know that Skylar would've like it if you helped" I said closing the door. We got to the kitchen and we see Freddy getting pizza. I wonder who he kidnapped. We slowly entered and we didn't look anywhere in his direction. He finally left and we started figuring out our plan.

Narrator's P.o.v

You were in the room Freddy had you in and you were just staring at the wall. You need to get out! Poor Derek, he's probably losing it trying to figure out where you are. You heard footsteps and looked back towards the door. Freddy opened it and he had a plate with (favorite pizza topping) pizza and he had a (favorite soda). You got to admit that you were really hungry but you couldn't trust this guy. He puts the plate next to you and he stood there waiting. "Aren't you hungry?" He asks playing with your hair. You shook your head and weakly glared at him. "You are hungry" "N-no I'm not" "Are you sure?" "Yes. I. Am" you said a little louder and firmer. "Are you?" "I'm su-" you were interrupted with him shoving the pizza in your mouth. You were forced to eat it and you were so close to choking. He gave you the glass of (f/s) and you drinked it down gladly. You glared at him, and he just had that stupid smirk on his face. The door was opened and it was Sophie. "Boss! Boss! Die Andersen kommen!" (Boss! Boss! The others are coming!) Freddy growls and got up walking over to the doorway. "Freddy what are you doing?!" Shouted a male voice. "Nothing, what are you talking about bunny?" "Don't play dumb with us Freddy!" Growled a deeper male voice. You saw a girl with blonde hair and pink eyes look at you and she gasped. "Mrs. Fazbear?!" "What the? What are ye talking about, lass?" Asked the same deep voice from earlier. "That's Mrs. Fazbear! Derek's wife!" "Freddy you have to let her go!" "Why should I?" Asks Freddy getting in Bonnie's face. "Because she doesn't belong to you" said Goldie coming into view. "Freddy give up it's four against one" said Chica. "You're wrong. Sophie! Zach!" Shouted Freddy. Sophie and Zach appeared and got in a fighting stance. So did the others. You watched as they fought. Soon Bonnie and Foxy were on the floor injured, Goldie and Chica were still up. Chica was trying to heal Bonnie and Foxy but it wasn't working. Goldie was fighting off Sophie and Zach. "Chica watch out!" Chica swiftly looked back and kicked Zach in the stomach. Zach flew back and he hit a wall, he was almost knocked out. Chica faced Sophie and started to help Goldie. Freddy stood there and he was furious. Zach was knocked out and Sophie looked like she was about to surrender. This couldn't happen, if this happen then Freddy will lose his flower. His sweet, beautiful, innocent flower. Freddy decided to take action and he started fighting Goldie. Goldie and Chica fought hard but were soon defeated. Chica and Goldie were injured terribly. Chica tried her hardest to drag Bonnie back while Goldie had Foxy. Freddy smirked at them as the others left. "Ich were Zach erhalten" (I'll get Zach) said Sophie walking over to Zach. Freddy looked back at you and smirked knowing that his flower is staying.

Time Skip~


Almost Opening Time

You were crying thinking about Derek and loved ones. They all must be suffering trying to find you and poor Derek. Your mother was probably giving him a rough time since you were gone. You remembered how she threatened him that if he lost you, she'll hurt him. You slightly giggled at that memory but it only caused more tears to flow. You heard footsteps and you heard the door open. You didn't look because you knew it was Freddy. You was just so depressed and seeing him only made it worse. You're stuck here because of this guy. You absolutely hate him. "What's wrong, flower?" He asked petting your hair. You pulled back and you faced away from him. "Let me out" you whispered. "What?" "Let me out!" You shouted at him. He glared at you and you can see he pulled something out. A knife? Why does he have a knife? "Why do you want to leave" You stared at the knife "B-because.....I don't belong here! To you!" You shouted in his face. He growled and cut your cheek. Your eyes widened from the pain in your cheek and tears were threatening to spill. "Yes you do belong to me! You're mine! Do you hear me?!" He said pulling on your hair. You winced and started nodding, you would do anything for him to stop. "Good" He said growling and walking towards the door. He closed the door and you laid down on the bed sobbing.

She'll Be Mine No Matter What! (Human!Yandere!Freddy x Married!Reader)(CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now