Chapter 11 - How Dare He!

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Your P.o.v

I was in my room daydreaming about leaving this hell hole, until I heard Zach saying something. "Sorry, what did you say?" I asked. "Did you find out what you're going to name the baby?" Asked Zach smiling happily. I arched a brow at his behavior. First, he's freaking out worried about his sister. Then, he's asking me what I'm going to name my baby, cheerfully? Alright than. "Umm, I'm not so sure really" I spoke truthfully. Zach nodded "Well, I hope you think of a nice and beautiful name!" He walked towards the door. "See ya later!" He waved and left the room. "Bye...."

Time Skip~

I was laying down in the bed thinking of random things when Amanda and Freddy came in my room. "Hey Y/n!" Shouted Amanda. "Hi Amanda.." "Sorry to just barge in here but we need to know if you want something to eat" said Freddy. I nodded and sat up "May I have f/s(favorite snack)?" "Of course! Hey, I'll go get it for you!" And Amanda flew out the door. As soon as she left, Freddy smirked at me and closed the door. "How's my beautiful flower~?" You slightly rolled your eyes. "I'm fine" "Fine~? I thought you would be happy~....." I looked at him confused. "Happy? Why would I be happy?" "Because you finally got rid of a threat~" I tried figuring out what he meant, when I noticed he was talking about Sophie. "What do you mind, threat!? No one's a threat" "You know....Sophie~" "What're you talking about! I didn't do tha-" "Oh shush~. I knew it was you all along, why else would her body be outside your room~? Hmm~?" He asked petting my hair. 'I'm screwed! So very screwed!' "Freddy, I-" "I'm not mad~. You was trying to show Sophie that you're the only one who can love me~" Freddy started moving his hands up and down my sides. "No! I didn't hit her for that reason!" "I know you did, darling~" Freddy moved his face closer until I could him breathing on my neck. "And I find what you did very very alluring~" Freddy kissed my neck. "Ohh, snap! Freddy! Dude, she's already preggers!" Shouted Amanda making Freddy and I jump slightly. I started blushing terribly, she just caught us. Freddy smirked at me while he got up and moved away from the bed. "I wasn't going to do anything~" "Uh, yeah right! Here Y/n, here's your f/s" Amanda handed it to me. "Thank you" "Now come on Fazzy! Let's give her some privacy" said Amanda pulling Freddy towards the door. I eat the snack very quickly and when I finished I placed it on my table. I got back in bed and slowly fell asleep.


I was in my room and I saw my dream self sleep on my bed and Freddy sitting on it. But, the thing that got my most attention was a little girl with h/c hair and blue eyes playing with some dolls. She looked to be 5 years old and she was wearing a cute little purple dress that went to her knees. What was this dream about? I could hear my dream self murmuring things in her sleep. "D-de-derek......." I watched the little girl tilt her her out of curiosity. "Daddy, who's Derek?" Freddy grinned at the little girl. "Derek used to be Mommy's lover" "What happened to him?" Freddy smirked. "He...left this world.." My eyes widened. "He left? Why?" "Auntie Amanda controlled him to leave so I could win Mommy's heart" The little girl nodded and went back to playing with her toys. Wait a minute..........That's what happen in my dream! And speaking of Derek, what did happen to him?


I woke up and saw Amanda looking at me concerned. "Amanda?" "Hmm?" "What happened to Derek?" I watched as Amanda's face paled. "Ummm......" "Did you kill him?" I asked my eyes narrowing. Amanda nodded slowly "I'm sorry but Freddy told me to!" "Leave" Amanda looked at me sadly and confused."What?" "LEAVE! OR I WILL BANISH YOU!" I watched Amanda fly out the room. I felt tears falling down my cheeks. He's gone and it's all Freddy's fault.....

"iNSaNiTY, the weight of the air is torture

Pyschopathy, don't know who I am anymore

iNSaNiTY, the illusion of ignorance

Captivity, try to stop it from corrupting"

I sung as I started smiling and grinning, they want my crazy side? They'll get my crazy side.....

She'll Be Mine No Matter What! (Human!Yandere!Freddy x Married!Reader)(CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now