Chapter 21 - Faking it

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Narrator's P.o.v

15 days.....15 days since you had last seen Freddy and Lexi. You was in the basement laughing. "Lexi, my sweet innocent Lexi is probably afraid! Wondering where I am! And Freddy......I can tell that he's losing it. I suggest you let me out!" You shouted. "They will come over here and will stuff you into a suit! I bet you wouldn't like that! Huh?! So let me out! And they will probably go easy on you" Vincent was upstairs the whole time, just listening to you. You growled when you heard no answer and you looked around the room. Your gaze looked over to under the steps. You could see a purple uniform suit covered in blood. You thought you was hallucinating but you clearly wasn't. You moved so your was facing the steps. Yep, it was a bloodied purple uniform. You started thinking about what Goldie told you about the kids that died and when Vincent was about to stab Lexi. You slightly gasped. "He's the killer" you whispered. You need a plan to get out, you remembered what happened on Day 1 when you were stuck here. Scott's and Vincent's conversation about Love.... This is going to be a risky plan......

Marionette's P.o.v

Daniel, Brandon, Carol, Felix, and Gavin are possessing the animatronics. I can tell: Freddy seems to be emotional, Bonnie's quiet, Chica's not acting like her preppy self, Foxy is starting to act distant, and Goldie is emotional as well. They're all acting like the child inside of them. And if I'm correct all of the children had a tight bond with Y/n. Skylar, BB, and I don't know what to do. We need to find a way to get her back.

Your P.o.v

I need to make Vincent think that I like him or make him like me. I could hear him walking, he's probably getting me something to eat. I smirked slightly before I started to cry.

Narrator's P.o.v

Vincent heard you crying and just tried to block you out. He grabbed a sandwich and some milk before going down the steps to the basement. First thing he saw was you crying and whimpering. "My poor baby.....Lexi. I'm sorry, sweetie" Vincent placed the sandwich and milk in front of you. You looked at him smiling and drinked the milk, taking a bit out of the sandwich. You started humming silently. Vincent shrugged slightly and was about to walk up the stairs until
"I can't decide whether you should live or die
Oh, you'll probably go to heaven
Please don't hang your head and cry
No wonder why my heart is dead inside
It's cold and hard and petrified
Lock the door and close the blinds
We're going for a ride" You sung. Vincent froze and looked at you.
"It's a bitch convincing people to like you
If I stop now call me a quitter
If lies were cats you'd be a litter
Pleasing everyone isn't like you
Dancing jigs until I'm crippled
Slug ten drinks I won't get pickled
I've got to hand it to you
You played by all the same rules
It takes the truth to fool me
And now you made me angry" you continued. Vincent smirked slightly. "You can sing" "Thank you" you giggled slightly. Vincent seemed to pause for a second before leaving the basement.

Time Skip~

You and Vincent have been talking and apparently you two actually have a lot on common..............not! You basically lied about everything, just so you could make him think you too were great together. You felt sick doing this though, you felt like you was betraying Freddy and Lexi. "Hey Vinny?" You asked. Vincent chuckled. "Yes?" You smiled up at him. "Can you let me out?" Vincent rose a brow. "I won't run away! I swear..." Vincent walked towards you and cut the rope off of your hands. You smiled at him and hugged him. "Thank you!" You shouted and you ran upstairs. Vincent ran up as well, thinking you was going to escape only to find you on his couch. "You're place is nice" you said watching what was on TV. Vincent smiled "Thank you" 'She's...... Unique' he thought sitting on his couch next to you.

Next 4 days~

You finally got him to fall in love with you. You told him what happened at Paul's house and he understood he had to help you, just in case the other boys will come over. He brought you a long wig that was f/c and one pink eye contact, so it looked like you was born with Heterochromia iridium. You looked totally different and your beauty still shined through. You couldn't wait for tomorrow since Vincent was going to be gone for little.

(Hey! I have questions! What would you guys like Lexi's first word to be? I know. That wouldn't be until she's one years old but it'll be a later chapter....probably. These are the options:

A) Mommy

B) Daddy

Or, my personal fav.......

C) An insult that Foxy is going to say to Freddy, wouldn't of course be a curse word though.

Second question: Should I make an Ask thing for this. Like the characters in this book reactions to things. Would you guys like that?

And lastly: Sequel? Prequel? Would you guys like that especially a prequel since there's some past with Dennis/Freddy and Y/n. And a Sequel because I bet you all want to see Lexi growing up.
That's all...See y'all later! Bye!)

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