Touch starved

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Halfy & Winks; Oblivion. I was listening to this song while writing this story. You must check it out!

-Warning mentions suicidal thoughts, mental issues. Just a bunch of angst! If I offend you in any way with this story I am sorry. You don't need to read this one if this is triggering in any way. For those who are going to read it anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Quick note this chapter maybe updated just to ensure it doesn't have any major plot holes!-

I wasn't fast enough, I let this happen. Pain shoots through my body like electricity. Drawing in a shaky breath, I pull my exhausted limbs closer. 'I won. It's over, I've completed our mission.' 'But at what cost? ' Another voice drifted into my head. 'At what cost? Tommy's innocence and life. Jshlatt's life, Wilbur's life. Philza's son. The Minecraft families trust. Your friendships. The worlds safety. Was that truly a win?' Quiet sobs escaped my lips at that thought. The pain from Quackity's recent torture session sent fresh waves of agony to my battered body. The demon won, I'm officially alone. The last of my kind, sworn to protect the worlds from these monsters, yet, I brought it here. I let it harm my friends, my family, and now they all hate me. View me as a monster no longer a great man. No one wants to hear me out instead preferring me locked away for enternity. It's not like I have much longer anyways. My body burned, begging for me to shift so it could heal, but I wouldn't show weakness. Not now, not ever. 'Gods they'd be so mad with me.'

Amber eyes and dark brown locks drifted into my mind's eye. A beautiful smile began to tear away leaving only the image of cold dead eyes. Dark brown locks crusted with blood from their gaping wound.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered.

The ground shook as the TNT rained from the sky, dust clouds covering the milky blue sky. Cloaking the land in darkness. Shields raised and weapons ready, we charged. The final stand against the monsters terrorizing the worlds. I was young, their entire species was young, yet, humanity put all of their hope in us. Their greatest weapon against the darkness.

Nightmare my trusty axe remained by my side, fingers tracing the texture of the hilt. Heart racing with adrenaline its beat blocking out all other noises. Feet pounding against the muddy ground soaking into my socks and skin. Soot and ash were sucked into my lungs and covered my clothes in that awful smell of burning corpses. Yet, I continued to trudge through the war grounds, past corpses of the unknown dead. Many more would fall and no one would bother to remember them. 'I would.' A small voice whispered back.

Yet I tucked those memories away, never to be seen again. I wasn't remembering them, I was blatently ignoring their sacrifice. Their stories would forever remain forgotten to the sea of time.

Ducking behind an exposed column of rock, I loaded my bow. "How many do you think you'll get this time?" Short brown locks moved in my peripheral vision. Their movements were similar to my own. Fingers following the rhythm automatically as I drew back the string, arrow neatly strung.

"More than you Birdy!" Letting go, I watched it pierce through three demons.

"Show off." Birdy grumbled.

The sound of childish laughter filled the bloody battlefield as we competed. Always upping the other, a playful rivalry that would be dropped in seconds to ensure the other was okay.

The burning heat of the battlefield was replaced by the cold steel of the military transporter. Gripping onto my seat tighter, the plane hit some turbulence causing the rest of the squad to jump around. Birdy's golden eyes locked with mine. "Can I braid your hair?" They asked. I remember being so perplexed by her question that I never replied. Somehow I ended up with her fingers running through my hair, gently picking it apart before braiding it.

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