A fury that will last forever

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                                             -Warning; descriptive gore, major character death.- Whoops forget to say I don't wish harm to any of the SMP members! So, don't take this seriously!!-

Darkness. A pitch-black veil was held over his eyes. The natural order of his world balanced out once more by the void. It's inky black tendrils wrapping around his limbs. Numbing his body like jellyfish did their prey before consumption. Every essence of his being melded into the void, all except one piece. A small flicker of red, like a small fire clinging onto life in extreme winds. This small piece kept his body from fizzling out of existence. His memories were fuzzy. Thoughts ran wild within the confines of his mind. 'Where did he go wrong?' He thought, 'How did he become the one thing he fought not to be? Why must he die?'

Conflicting memories swirled in front of his eyes starting with the birth of his world. A small piece of paradise for others to live on, however, more came and this once tranquil world collapsed into flames. Flames that feed upon the corruption, growing in size with each war.

He pushed his friends away, yet he could never cut the strings that connected him to them. It hurt when Punz arrived with the rest, those foolish idiots fell for it, but his fake betrayal still hurt. The betrayal, the union of everyone against him hurt.

So when the final bell tolled and the prison door slammed shut it was all over. The key was thrown away after the incident with Tommy. Ultimately leading to his demise at the hands of Quackity. A nasty piece of work corrupted by the other polluted souls occupying the SMP. Allowed in by the Warden. The lost key dusted off and placed back into the keyhole allowing the beast within the confines of the prison and right onto Dream.

Awful cackles of an insane man bounced around within his skull, reminding him of the suffering he's been through. His last moments alive were in gruesome detail. Red oozing liquid enveloping him in a welcoming hug, promising safety and constant warmth. Skin melting off of his bones, leaving him a husk of a once strong man. No screams left his mouth, no tears were shed. Only rage clawing at his insides cursing those who pushed him to this. An untamed beast driven insane by the torture inflicted upon it. Revenge would be his.

The rest was a blur, bare feet on solid ground. Volcanic crust coated his exposed bones. Lava ran between the cracks like veins pumping the blood around his body. Magma pooled at his feet. Disembodied fingers, toes and other limbs lay scattered across the room. The overpowering odour of death hung over the small room promising death to any who entered.

Shivers spread down his spine. That room was the first symbol of his pain, the thing he was greeted by in his first moments of rebirth. It had to go and the fireworks were amazing that night. Of course, it drew unwanted attention.

The look of fear in his eyes remained till his very last breath. A confident voice broke into hoarse screams which delighted him, driving him onwards.

A sickening CRUNCH of Sapnap's ribcage shattering under his foot. Followed by Reaper's promise to further harm him. Boney fingers drenched in lava wriggled into his ear canal. Burning away any flesh or bone on its way to the target. Sapnap's body convulsed beneath him as his voice ran out.

Wandering aimlessly he stumbled upon the prime path. Following the rickety old path, he reached the community house. Moving towards the renovated community house he knew he'd find everyone gathered there. The incident he caused with Sapnap drew them in like flies to a trap. Calling upon the power of the server he unleashed it outwards. Massive obsidian walls were erected from the ground, isolating the SMP members from the rest of the server. Certain people were trapped by volcanic rock. Reaper executed them swiftly staining the crafting table floor dark red.

Jack Manifold was the first to go, plucking his eyes out. He cherished the screams of the smaller as he ripped out his throat. A pile of dark red ash lay upon the floor causing the occupants of the house to erupt into screams.

"Some of you have a choice. Either remain here or leave. Decide now." Begging and cursing replaced the silence. With a flick of his wrist BoomerNA, Alyssa, Hannah, Connor and Niki were teleported away. The rest were dead. Callahan, Antfrost and Eret, HBomb died slowly before vanishing into ash. Awesamdude was next, he took great pleasure in making him scream.

"Liver, lungs, heart, brains. So many delicate things for me to use against you." Reaper drawled out. "I think your hands will go first. You won't be needing these anymore." The sounds of his screams filled the air as he slowly tore the limb off. The sound of flesh ripping and bones snapping under pressure caused many of the SMP members to flinch. Lava searing the skin, sealing the wound.

"Now for your voice..." A wicked grin spread across the bony skull. His hand inched closer to Sam's throat to increase the tension in the air. He paused millimetres away from the larynx. Reaper repositioned himself to have his head located next to Sam's ear.

"Now to take away your voice so you can't call for help when you're in need!" Reaper whispered, he took pleasure in the fear crossing Sam's face. "Should have thought about the consequences before torturing me, Sammy." Oh, the terror etched into Sam's face gave Reaper such glee. Plunging his arm through Sam's throat he ripped the larynx out and watched as the man vanished into ashes.

Screams filled the community house.

"Now who else was there that day?" They trembled as he passed them. All wishing to be spared, but known would.

He paused in front of Tommy, "I wonder, maybe I should start with you."

"Get your hands away from him you filthy monster!!" Puffy shrieked.

"Thank you for volunteering Captain Puffy." Stepping towards the Captain Reaper plunged his fingers into Puffy's eyes. Without hesitation, Reaper withdrew them. "I'd think before I blindly act, Captain. Your little act to protect Tommy is pathetic. As soon as he falls, you'll abandon him as you did me."

"Is that what this is all about?" Captain Puffy said, her body shuddering in pain.

"I'm only alive to end you all!" Reaper replied as he plunged his right arm into Puffy's chest. "Now to see if you actually have a heart." Fingers latched onto the organ, ripping it out like yolk from an egg. "Now you're truly heartless." A wicked grin spread across his bony jaw. "Oh, QUACKITY!!"

"HEY, BITCH focus on me! I'm the one who got you arrested! Kill me! Spare the rest!"

"Oh! You will be next, but right now I've got important matters with Quackity."

The talk went well. Tommy lost his hands and larynx minutes later vanishing into ash. The younger didn't seem to get the memo.

Quackity fell soon after. His death was slow, just like his own. He didn't take much pleasure in killing the avian, but he must complete his revenge! Once all who wronged him or stood against him fell he set fire to the entire server.

He watched as the servers code crumbled away revealing the inky void. When the last piece of dirt fell, he went with it. Finally he could rest in peace knowing he would be safe...

His body twitched within the confines of the void as more memories flashed before him. The scenes were more violent than the others coated in red. Screams bounced around his skull as the ground crumbled beneath him. He'd planned for this, yet it still scared him that he'd be dying properly this time. 

Backtracking to when he erected the walls he heard multiple voices. All reacting differently to his decision. One scream imparticular stood out against the rest, the voice was raspy. The words they screamed were a name...his name...or was it his name? He didn't know anymore, at one moment he was..."REAPER!! REAPER!!" The voice paused, "DDDDDDDRRRRRREEEEEEEAAAAAAMMMMMMMM wake up!!" They screamed.

-The End- 

I hope you enjoyed this, it might be a little rushed. However, I had fun writing this. The other Ghost Dream short is nearly finished. I'll see you in the next short and check out the schedule to keep up to date with the progress. Goodbye!

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