Chapter 8

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The night was crisp and cool with a biting chill. It was quiet up in the mountains, nothing but the hushed whispers of students that grew to a roar as you neared Blair House. Explicit lyrics to some Nicki Minaj song wafted into Inala's ears. Her fingers twitched, doing their best to try not to form finger guns as Inala rapped along to the lyrics.

"And I will retire with the crown...YES!" Aiden was getting his full life as they neared the party. Inala joined in, 

"No, I'm not lucky I'm blessed...YES!"

"Clap for the heavyweight champ...ME!" Jada rushed to chime in. 

"BUT I COULDN'T DO IT ALL ALONE...WE!" the group yelled in unison and smiled at each other as they neared Briar House. 

The house didn't look like the newer dorm housing they had now. It was a cream one-story large warehouse-like building. It was closed in by a black metal gate that rose past Inala's head. She looked around at the once-abandoned dorm. Whoever's parents took charge of Briar had done a great job. The yard out front had bushes trimmed high enough to where students couldn't get into mischief behind them but were thick enough to where you couldn't see through them either. The fountain out front had a statue of the school mascot (a griffin) with crystal clear water pouring from its mouth. Students and most likely some locals were pouring in and out of the building. The front yard had a few stragglers, but it was easy to see the bodies packed around the pool outback. Multicolor lights were flashing in the high windows. 

Inala had never been inside of Briar's house. She was just a sophomore last year and was trying hard to go Ivy League. She spent most of last year studying in her dorm or working out in the gym. The few parties that Aiden had dragged her to, she had refused to actually go inside. It was a well-known fact around campus that the inside was for upperclassmen. Underclassmen were rarely even allowed to Briar's house, let alone INSIDE. Even though she was an upperclassman now, she still had reservations about going inside. 

"Alright, ladies, the first party of the year, and we're stepping in with the first new student in years. Iconic af. Besides that, let's just take in that this is our first outing together as a trio." Aiden paused outside of the gate to Briar House to give his little pep talk. Inala's heart fluttered. He was so extra it was cute, but she could barely enjoy it. Trio. Her and Aiden had always been a duo. Just them.  "Let's take one more selfie and head inside." Aiden huddled them together and Inala made sure to get in the middle of the photo. What was this oddly protective feeling she had over Aiden all of a sudden?  

After the picture was taken and approved by all, the trio walked into the party.  The air was hot and heavy, you could feel the excitement the students felt. There were reunions, shady deals, secret hookups, all masked by a pulsating beat and strobe lights. The music was so loud you could feel the lyrics entering your ears and leaving out the other side. Your feet vibrated with every step, and your blood pulsated to the beat as if it were trying to escape your veins. 

Inala was overwhelmed immediately. Why had she agreed to come here? Partying had never been her scene, and what was so fucking special about Jada that she just had to be here. Between the Council and Aiden, she was starting to really get tired of hearing about Jada. She mentally cursed at the Council. She felt a soft hand on the small of her back pushed her forward and turned her head slightly to see Aiden had placed himself behind her. She mentally took note of the feel of his hand on her back, allowing herself to sink into the feeling. Her heart hammered in her chest; except this time, it wasn't from the drowning sense of anxiety that came in situations like this. 

Inala was so enamored she hadn't realized that Jada had been whisked away into a crowd of people. She was too happy to care as he and Aiden burst through the back doors and into the backyard of the party, she greedily gulped in the fresh air. 

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