Chapter 3

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Inala had long ago stopped looking forward to the first day of classes at Arendon. I mean, there was so many more things in life to get excited about, or even to put energy towards. She wanted to make sure she kept her energy towards things that mattered this year, no more petty drama. Inala slid out from between her silk sheets and gracefully placed her feet on the cool marble floor. 'What a waste', she thought to herself as she disdainfully stared at the floors. This summer she had volunteered at multiple organizations that had preached against this sort of abundance. She had even tried to renounce this lifestyle and had successfully gone vegan. Well, it had only been about 2 month, but that's longer than most people made it and she was proud. 

Inala brushed her teeth and carefully went through her skin care routine before applying mascara and lip gloss to her face. Her hair, now, that was another job all together. She took in the wild mass of curls on her head, and decided to just wet it and let it dry into an afro as the day went on. 

A few moments later she was dressed, lotioned, glossed, and ready to go. Slinging her new biodegradable backpack over her shoulder, she slid out of her apartment and locked the door. Outside was chaos, which completely shattered her illusion of having a peaceful first day. 

"I heard that she was the daughter of the Attorney General and was sent here to be safe from Japan"

"No, no, because Tiffany found her instagram and it says that she's from Florida, so maybe her dads retired military?"

"I heard she's a big Youtuber and that she even has a makeup line with RIHANNA in works"

Inala sighed as all the gossip from the hallway floated into her energy bubble. She really did want to try to be as drama free as possible this year, but she knew that with a new student, Anya would make this year anything but peaceful. 'Maybe I can get to the new girl first and warn her about how things work here, and what her being here could mean.' but as soon as the thought popped into her head, it went away. Inala knew better than to try and go against the Council. She had seen first hand what they could and would do. 

A shiver ran down her back as she stuffed herself into an elevator next to all the girls tittering about their summers and trying desperately to get a good photo for their snapchat story. As soon as the elevator doors opened on the first floor, Inala shot out and walked towards the back exit to the building, where there was sure to be less traffic. Her phone bucced in her pocket with a new alert, and she reached to read it. 

'New Student at Arendon Sure To Turn The Tides'

The bolded script jumped off the pages and Inala bit her lip, there was sure to be a meeting after school about this, and she wanted nothing to do with it. 

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Jada looked around her homeroom classroom and unconsciously smoothed the back of her hair up into it's puff. She knew her hair was flawless, but it had just become habit to do it. Her dark brown eyes flittered across the classroom quickly sizing the students who were there up. Seemed to be a few athletes, studious counterparts, and beauty wannabe's. A nice mixed group for a homeroom class and initial coming out for Jada. Jada lazily scrolled through her twitter timeline, mostly reading about James Charles drama, as a beauty blogger herself, she was disgusted with his behavior, and Tati's as well. They were messing with people's livelihood. Not hers, but someone's.

She heard the ending notes of the morning bell and stuffed her purse into her oversized snake skin Givenchy bag. A fair skinned woman with slick platinum hair whisked into the classroom. The bridge of her nose was graces with a pair of thick square black frames, and she wore a tailored black pantsuit, and YSL heels. 

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