Chapter 6

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Jayda pressed her beauty blender into her baking powder and then raised it to her cheeks. She didn't know whether or not they partied hard at this school, but she knew her makeup wasn't going to move an INCH. Her iPhone had been on fire from the students subscribing to her channel, liking her pics on Instagram, and following her on Twitter. She had to put it on DND so it would stop interrupting her get ready playlist. "Dior" by Pop Smoke,  blasted through her Bluetooth speaker and Jayda stood up to go get her lashes out of her bag. Between classes and prepping for this party, she hadn't had a chance to fully unpack yet, but she HAD pulled out and steamed the dress she was wearing tonight though. There was no way she was going to leave an outfit to chance, although Aiden had said that he would help her, she didn't trust anyone's fashion sense but her own, and she knew the look she had chosen would kill.  Her orange powder drifted off of her shirt and onto the floor as she moved the satin blood-red dress onto the hook near her front door. 

"Crap, now how am I gonna get that out of the tile. I haven't got a broom...." she rolled her eyes and decided to deal with it later. She still hadn't decided on an eyeshadow look and she hadn't started on her hair, and she only had an hour and a half left to do it all. Maybe she would text Aiden and see if he wanted to be late. She grabbed her lashes out of her makeup bag and drifted into the kitchen to grab her cell phone off the counter. 

It was still lighting up with notifications, but not as much as before, thank God, or else she'd never have seen that Aiden had text her 30 minutes ago. 

'Hey, I'm bringing a friend with me, she's cool don't worry. But, I'll be about 30 minutes late to swing by and get you 😩' 

Jayda looked up to heaven and thanked the gods of makeup and beauty for this blessing. 

'No problem, I'll send you my location now and leave my door unlocked, I'm gonna be a little busy when ya'll get here.'

Jayda sent the text, padded over to her desk (that she had promptly turned into a makeup table), and began to apply her lashes as the song in the background changed to "Mad at Me" by Kiana Ledé. Jayda mouthed the words to herself in the mirror as she thought about which color she should use for her lips. 

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Inala paced back in forth in her room. The meeting had been short and to the point, which was good, but it didn't help the overall unease she had felt about the entire thing. She stopped pacing long enough to grab a green juice from the fridge and then continued her previous path as she recollected her memories of the meeting. Almost like their own personal "welcome back" party. 

Inala and Theo had left the meeting together, but not until after they had both been instructed to get close to Jada.  Apparently, she might be a bigger deal than Inala had originally thought. 

Exasperated, Inala reached on her bed for the remote and cut on her TV, ready to relax after the first day of classes. Community played softly in the background as she began to set out her things for the party this evening. She knew that Aiden would come over early ready to push her into getting ready super early although they always end up being late. She had steamed her dress, placed her heels by the door, eaten a small kale, black bean and avocado burrito bowl, and was sipping a cup of chamomile tea. Relaxation was her best friend and they were having a wonderful afternoon. This feeling of relaxation didn't last much longer as she heard the knob of her front door jiggle. Her eyes lazily scanned the grinning gingers' face that she knew would only bring last-minute issues. 

"Don't even start with me, my clothes are already steamed, with recycled water I might add,  and I am not wearing makeup. You approved my outfit three weeks ago and I shaved YESTERDAY."

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