Chapter 12

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Jada's head was pounding. The loud music ringing in her ears, the mix of wine and tequila in her stomach, and the desperate firm grip she had on Anya were not helping her to stay grounded. She didn't think she'd had this much alcohol in her system since Charlie De'Amelio's birthday party in L.A two years ago. She was focused so hard on not being the bitch that throws up and ruins everyone's good time, she didn't even realize Anya was leading them outside of the party. 

Thank fuck, cause I was getting too overstimulated. Ooouuu im hungry, I know they said not to order Doordash, but a burger sounds soo good right now.  Jada was lost in thought, stumbling along letting Thalia and Anya lead the way. She was so distracted, she didn't notice the two other girls giving each other small glances, or that they'd gotten her back to the dorms in pitch blackness in what seemed like 20 seconds. Jada was confused, but grateful to take off her heels. She quickly kicked her feet out of her shoes, and sprawled on the floor. She shut her eyes tight and prayed very quietly for the drunk to go away. 

"You okay Jada?" a question was directed at her, but Jada couldn't tell what floating voice was speaking. 


"Close, it's Anya. Here, drink this." Jada  felt something cold being pressed against her mouth, and her lips parted in response. Water, yes, this is what I needed.

The cold water helped to bring her back to her senses, she sipped as fast as she could, knowing that gulping would contribute to her being miss throw-up or little miss can't-handle-her-liquor before the school year could even really begin. She could feel the water and liquor getting acquainted in her stomach, and tried to pry open her eyes. 

"..should be here by now." her ears seemed to open at the same time her eyelids began to release her vision. 

"Who should be here?" Jada quietly whispered as she began to sit and sober up. 

"Theo and the others. We always recap at the end of a party, and I know they'll be surprised that we left early." Thalia responded while she appeared to be texting feverishly on her phone. Anya wasn't in the room anymore it appeared, and speaking of rooms it was finally dawning on her that  she wasn't in her own room. Fuck, she wasn't even in her own apartment. Was this her building even?  Everything in here was black, white, or grey. The walls were white, the floor was a beautiful black marbled tile. She for sure wasn't in her building cause her floors were gray. Jada was sitting on a fluffy round white rug, that was stationed next to a white cloth love seat and foot stool. A glass table was in the corner of the room, where Thalia was sitting texting as if her life depended on it. Her backdrop being the all white cabinet with small black knobs that reminded her of the buttons in Coraline. Was this her "Other Friends"? 

"Oh, should I go back to my room? Orrr?" Jada trailed off a bit, she knew she was drunk, and most likely the reason they had to leave the party early. Her cheeks began to heat up at the realization, but her drunk mind wouldn't even let her fully feel the shame. Just a little emberassed that Anya had to see her like that, and speaking of seeing her where was Anya?

"Nah, babes, you're like one of us now. Trust, I don't bring just anyone back to my place." Thalia looked up from her phone to give Jada a warm smile. Although, it did nothing to warm Jada, who felt as though the smile wasn't genuine. She knew she'd be pissed if she had to leave the largest party of the year because some new girl that she'd just met got drunk. Then, her drunk mind let her feel shame, had she even met this girl before? Now she was drunk in her apartment, sittin on her rug in her living room. Jada quietly sipped her water as she kept tumbling through her thoughts. She didn't even know the people who were coming. Maybe, she should have a bit more awareness of her situation. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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