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[Broken bones warning

Kitasha left her apartment, and headed to work, preparing for her boss to tattle on being seconds late. It was a habit, she could never be early, just at least a few seconds late. But never too late unless on purpose. She tripped on a black kitty and put her hand out.

"Hi kitty"
A big meow was in return and Kitasha returned to going to work, just waiting for a extra minute on that clock. But all day she got tripped by the cat, even at work. Today the cat was waiting, just for one thing.

"Kitasha! You are fired for too many lates"


"I don't care if it's by a few seconds, you have been needed at 5 a.m sharp recently, and these lates are ruining that and pushing our hours way back"

"I try my best!"

"Come earlier then, prepare before"
Tears ran down her face and the cat got just in place, and made Kitasha trip on the stairs, making her leg fall oddly and her hip to be hit lots. A few crunchs were heard.

The cat ran away hoping to dodge their eyes and went up the city, seeing its next victim in its head.

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