Millennial Tree x gn! Reader

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Requested by @otter-w-cookie

I hope that this has satisfied you ^^;

It was sunny out, perfect weather to be out and play but alas, you were busy. You had some work you had to do online and thinking it wasn't good to stay cooped up inside your home, you went to do your work outside instead under a tree, you made this your little spot ever since you were little to be honest so you were quite familiar with it. You sighed at your child cookie days and remembered having tea parties with your stuffed animals but were an adult cookie, no longer carefree as you were before. You breathed out a tired sigh and stopped typing for a bit, "i miss it when i was but a child..", unbeknownst to you, a certain cookie was walking to your spot since this was also his spot however you were too busy working and typing away.

"Hello there young cookie.", a calm and gentle voice rang out in your ears, snapping you out of work mode. You looked up to find a cookie who carried this ancient aura around him, "hello...", was all you said before going back to typing, the cookie seemed a bit curious about your computer and sat down next to you, "it's fascinating how you cookie's develop these advanced technologies.", he smiled a bit. "I guess so.", was all you replied. "Forgive me, I have not introduced myself yet, my name is Millennial Tree Cookie, and your name, young cookie?", "y/n..", you said as you stopped typing to take a tiny break and get to know the stranger next to you.

Few months have passed and you guys have been meeting up at the same spot, you were approaching the usual spot with your book bag, slung on your shoulder to see Millennial Tree cookie waiting for you with a soft smile. "Salutations, y/n.", you smiled back a bit, "hello to you too Millennial Tree cookie.", you took a seat next to him, setting down your book bag next to you and getting your computer out to do more work. As much as you tried to teach Millennial Tree about the modern technology, he's still pretty confused. I mean, after being asleep for so long and not really seeing how much cookie's have developed? You couldn't blame him, he was asleep for many centuries.

Millennial Tree watched as you typed, but snuck some glances at you. He couldn't help it, you had beautiful eyes but there were bags underneath.. he frowned and spoke up to clear the silence, "y/n, have you been sleeping?", you stopped typing for a moment and looked at him, your eyes obviously begging for sleep but you wouldn't allow. "No, why?", "Y/n, sleep is important..and from what you told me, staring at the..uhhh screen for so long isn't good.", you paused a bit before speaking up, "Millennial, I need to finish this's important.", then you went back to typing. Millennial Tree cookies frown deepens, after all, he was worried about your well being, he took the computer away from your lap and closed it, setting it to his side, "Hey!-", as you were about to scold him, your head was then laid on his lap, you didn't really know what to do, you wished you could just sit up but something about this was comforting.. his hands ran through your hair in comforting strokes and you slowly succumbed to your need of sleep.

"Sleep well Y/n, you work so hard."


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