Wind archer x gn! Stressed! Reader

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I'm honestly trying to find ways to distress also drew a something but it's a spoiler for the frost queen cookie story so look at it at your own risk

Work, that's everything in everyone's lives, some can handle it and others? Not so much like yourself. You were bombarded with a crap ton and was expected to do everything by the end of 3 weeks (totally not my life rn in school-) so much to do yet so little time. You sat in the middle of your messy (or messier) room in the dark, writing really hard into the paper as if it did something to you that you couldn't forgive.

You groaned and slapped both your hands down on the ground and got up to the bathroom to refresh yourself, in the mirror of the bathroom, it showed a cookie, burnt out and exhausted. Their h/c hair like a birds nest and eyes that clearly beg for sleep and rest yet the beholder wasn't giving it to them, "I can't dally around..but then again, a small break would help.." you muttered tiredly and got out of the bathroom.

Grabbing your coat, you decided to take a walk outside, it was better than being cooped up inside without fresh air. You took in the scenery around you all at once, trees softly tussling with the wind as their leaves broke off from the branches to join in a dance with the wind, the green grass now covered in beautiful shades of red and orange leaves, some fading, but last but not least, the sun. It was just..well the sun, nothing unusual about it.

Sometimes you like to think a certain someone is nearby when the is wind around your area, you sighed and walked to the forest you lived nearby hoping to see that someone, 'he's most likely busy...he's always patrolling to heal fallen spirits after all..'

You decided to take a break since you were already tired from walking and sat down against a tree, making shapes with the clouds and tracing them out with your small hand in the air (am i the only one who does that?-) as you slowly drifted off to sleep and putting your arm down slowly.

You were awoken from your dreamless nap by someone gently shaking you, "n..y/n..y/n." It was Wind Archer. You eyes slowly adjusting to the blinding light of the sun,, "hey Wind long was I asleep for?" Wind archer took a seat next to you, setting his bow on the ground, "not long, 10 minutes or so before i found you." You merely nodded and continued stare out in the distance before standing up, to which Wind Archer looks up at you, "I'll just continue my walk now, thanks for waking me up Wind." Wind archer immediately stood up, bow in hand, "y/n wait, how about I come along with you? There have been some fallen spirits lingering."

You merely smiled, a tired one, "Yea, i don't mind." And immediately walks to your side as you continue to walk in a silence, not some sort of tension or awkwardness was hanging in the air but it was rather comforting. Wind Archer knew you were tired after all, I mean, from the droopy e/c eyes, messy h/c hair, and your lips that always curled a smile was drained out of you. He didn't wanna pry off of you but nevertheless tried to help you relax a bit.

The two of you have found yourselves in a clearing, nothing special, just fresh grass and some crunchy leaves littered on the ground, also some old stumps that had some mushrooms growing on them. You immediately sat back down to which Wind Archer joins you, "you alright y/n?" Such a gentle voice filled with concern filled your ears to which you shook your head, "just..stressed.."

Wind Archer didn't need anything else but to hear that and immediately pulled your waist to have you sit next to him close.  Your eyes widened and felt a strange warmth arise to your cheeks, "y/n" that gentle voice you so loved called out, "whatever is happening, I'll always be with you." He glanced down to see tears form in your eyes just a bit to which he uses his other hand to wipe them off before placing a loving and gentle kiss on your cheek.

Just all of a sudden you bursted and sobbed, griping his scarf tightly, telling him all the things that have been happening to which he gladly listens to and comforts you with some kisses and hugs. It wasn't long till you felt yourself slowly passing out from the crying and by Wind Archer's side, he was softly petting your hair as your body slowly rose up and down from the soft breathing. "I'll be right here, y/n, my dove."

So. Damn. OOC and Yea when i get stressed i sob and became hysterical, screaming/ranting about how i really feel about a certain thing or person or sometimes full blown shut down- but here's the drawing

 OOC and Yea when i get stressed i sob and became hysterical, screaming/ranting about how i really feel about a certain thing or person or sometimes full blown shut down- but here's the drawing

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