Yandere! Ananas dragon cookie x gn! Reader

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Trying to fulfill as many  requests i can! And i also stated writing this a little while ago-

Ananas is They/Them btw
Tw- kidnapping and stalking

Ananas watched you from afar, They didn't know why They felt drawn to you..like a piece of treasure that They haven't collected yet. You were just a simple cookie, average life, not as long lasting, but yet, lovely. Ananas had pride, They were considered to be the most Prideful of all dragons after all and They were determined to claim you as their own.

Y/n was a simple cookie, h/l h/c hair that always gently tussled in the wind, your delicate s/c skin complimenting the soft hair, and the finishing touches, your e/c eyes that could charm anyone..at least in Ananas' opinion. Living on the soda islands was luxurious in your eyes, the air is much more fresher, it's much more quieter than the loud and rambunctious city, the crystal clear and sparkling ocean waves gently splashing down on the grainy sand accompanied by some of the locals voices.

One of the locals you knew very well was none other than mango cookie! His stories always fascinated you and just somehow mystical, "legend has it, that the dragons were born on these islands!" "Really?" "Mhm! They say the the islands look like the shape of the dragons." You were like a child, how adorable.

Ananas couldn't help but smile a bit as the cookies continued chattering away, mainly focused on you, "mango cookie, your stories never bore me! I would love to see a dragon!" Mango chuckled, "well they're considered very prideful." You huffed and crossed your arms, "hmph, they haven't met me yet" mango cookie laughed.

Ananas didn't seem to burn with envy as you chattered away with the other cookie, in fact They found it more helpful that the little mango cookie was fueling y/n's curiosity and persistent in meeting Them. As much as They loved to casually walk up to you and be a pathetic cookie, Their pride bit Them down from doing so, as in holding you in Their arms to show that you were Theirs.

Y/n had separated from Mango cookie because they got distracted and now was lost like a puppy, they cursed themself for being so damn distracted, they perked up when they heard footsteps from behind, "Mango cookie?" No wait..the footsteps sound larger and the aura they gave off was very..powerful.

"Cookie, what are you doing here wandering by yourself?" You turned around to be met with a rather tall figure with intimidating golden eyes and..dragon wings and a tail?.. "I.." you were about to explain till the stranger cuts you off, "nevermind, you cookies are inferior beings but nonethelesssss, I shall take you back to my nest. Besides, i wouldn't want some dead cookie ruining my beautiful island." They scoffed and lifted you up, not even giving you any time to even protest or talk.

Their nest was the highest peak of Pineapple Mountain and all you did was clung onto Them for dear life. Once the two of you have arrived in Ananas' nest you were immediately put down where you now bombarded them with questions, "ok who are you? What do you want? Where's mango cookie? What-" They glared at you, "enough with the questionsssss, cookie. Do you know who you're ssssstanding  in front of right now?" Such a commanding voice..it intimidated you. Almost where you had to bow to a powerful king,

Ananas walked to Their throne and sat in front of the frozen cookie with Their glare replaced with a smirk now, "good cookie, you've quieted down a bit." Pinapplemur popping out from behind their owner to see what's happening. "Wha-" "ssssilence, I did not say you could sssssspeak yet."

Yea you were getting fed up and snapped, "who are you to tell me what to do?" And glared at Them to which they showed a face of shock but quickly replaced with an angry frown, "cookie, it's wise if you don't provoke me.." Pineapplemur now staring at you with obvious concern and shock making some squeaks to not say anything else.
"Or what?" Your glare hardened to which by a quick blur. You were now pinned to the ground by the stranger.

"I do not think you know my dear that I am the dragon of Pineapple Mountain." Your glare was immediately cleared up with confusion now, "and never..and i mean never in my long and everlasting life have i met a cookie sssuch as yourself back talk me." You only continued to stare, i mean sure you saw the dragon wings and tail but..for the most part, They looked like a cookie.

"I guessssss that's why you piqued my interest, cookie." Ananas said as They slowly got up and roughly grabbed your hand to which you yelped a bit at the sudden grip, sitting you up, and then had you stand. "You may be just as weak as other cookiesssss but you do have a ssssstupid mindset to agitate a great dragon sssuch as myself."

They then dragged you to Their throne where They forcefully made you sit on Their lap as you continued to quietly whimper and decipher what the earthbread was happening. "Cookie, from thisssss day forward and forever, you are my most prized treasure."


Cookie run x reader oneshots(requests opened kinda)Where stories live. Discover now