Yandere Espresso cookie x Female! Reader

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Woooo! My third time writing a yandere! And i still have no idea what I'm doing ^^

Warnings- drugging and stalking

You weren't very chatty, your head was always in the clouds trying to think of new ideas for your work, you were always seen at the Jampie diner sketching your ideas out. Everyone knew not to bother you since you never liked to engage in social interaction while work mode (to be fair which is most of the time) since you would snap your pencil if you got stooped on an idea and didn't look good to you. You see, you were a designer for Mont Blanc Cookie and since Halloween was coming up you needed to think of ideas fast. You took a bite out of your meal before returning to sketching which was another failure, you huffed a bit ad tore the paper out of the notebook to crumple and toss later.

Espresso cookie was watching from his decoration area with a dreamy look (though looks sleepy since the bitch is a workaholic) as you were aggressively sketching designs. A capable cookie in his eyes, the secret ingredient to make coffee sweeter yet not too sweet, Espresso snapped out of his little world and returned to perfecting a coffee magic as you just sat there, sketching furiously only taking 30 second breaks to eat your meal.

A few days came in and it's already Halloween, you were helping Mont Blanc making the costumes, "hello y/n dear, have you thought of any new designs for me?", you sighed sadly, "i have no miss Mont Blanc but I'm going to help you to make up for my lack of inspiration.", Mont Blanc simply nodded, "alright dear.", and so you two began cutting fabric, sewing, repeat. Espresso watching from the window with a smile, admiring how dedicated you were to your work like he was dedicated to his coffee magic. He decided to come in the little tailor shop,the little bell on top of the door snapping you out of work mode to go greet the customer. "I'll be right back Miss Blanc, i believe someone's here.", Mont Blanc smiles, "go ahead dear."

You walk out of the room and was shocked to see Espresso in the tailor shop you and Mont Blanc ran, i mean, Espresso is always busy and never wanted to interact! You calmed down and walked over to him, tapping his shoulder. "Hello Espresso, is there anything in particular you need or finding?", espresso looked at you and smiled, keeping his calm composure while inside he's very excited that he could just snatch you away on the spot, "hello miss y/n, i just simply wanted to know more about you and this little tailor shop.", you smiled and chuckled, "of course!" You began talking about how you and Blanc were childhood friends and always dreamed of making fashionable clothes for everyone whether it's something basic to something very elegant and extravagant. Espresso wasn't really paying attention, he was more focused about how you were out of work mode and how cute you actually were. Oh he wanted to see that side of you all to himself.

The way your eyes sparkled in your usual busy and tired eyes to your hidden smile on that usually dull stoic face. He wanted it all. "And that's i guess how we came to be!", he snapped out and cleared his throat, "how wonderful y/n, you're very passionate and dedicated. That's what i like to see in a cookie.", you chuckled and thanked him before you realized the time, "oh crumbs..I've been rambling and Miss Blanc probably needs my aid, it was nice talking to you Espresso.", you shot a small smile and went back into work mode.

He stared at you as you left before walking out Madeline asked Espresso why he was in the tailor shop to which espresso glared to shut him up. You wipe so sweat off your face from the intensity of how focused you were as Mont Blanc sewed the other costumes. Mount Blanc looked at you and sighed, "y/n dear, why don't you take a break? Better yet, how about i make some tea and then we'll close up once everyone gets their costumes.", you looked at her and smiled, "that sounds nice, i appreciate it miss Blanc."

Once everyone had their costumes, you and Blanc closed up to have a little tea time inside just chatting away until you hear a small knock from the door, you and Blanc looked at each other and thought it was some trick or treaters but it was..Espresso? You were a bit confused, "Espresso? What are you doing here? We're closed.", espresso merely smiled, "i was hoping to spend some time with you during Halloween he smiled. You looked back at Mont Blanc cookie who had a smile, "go on dear, I'll be fine. Besides, it's nice to see you interacting more.", you nodded and looked at espresso with a small smile.

Espresso took your hand, earning a small blush from you since you're not used to physical contact thinking it was probably gonna be a movie night. Oh you were wrong. Espresso wanted to steal you away tonight, tonight's the night he thought, he smirked. As you two got to his house, it was quite clean and neat, he spent time cleaning everything up just so you could make yourself comfortable, "would you like anything to eat or drink miss y/n?", you chuckled a bit, "umm something to eat would be fine and no need to add in the 'miss', we're friends!", Espresso smiled, "yes..friends."

Espresso left to his kitchen and came back with a coffee flavored slice of cake, your eyes sparkled at how good it looked and thanked him before taking a bite. Espresso sat down across from you, staring at you as you ate and showed your childish side. You finished the slice and looked at the time, "it's getting late..thank you for the cake Espresso!", you got up and walked to the door, as your hand brushed against the doorknob, you collapsed and blacked out.

Espresso got up from his spot and went to pick you, bridal style and placed you in a nice room, he looked at you for a bit before placing a soft and tender kiss on your lips and caressing your cheek as your chest slowly raised up and down.

"Even the sweetest things have something bitter underneath my dear."


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