Pure vanilla x gn! Reader part 1

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After many years- (technically few months-) i finally completed timekeeper's trial and now i feel accomplished in nothing-

Also probably the longest chapter I've written-
Contains some spoilers

"And then! This and that happened! It was crazy y/n!", strawberry crepe was exclaiming their dreams while laying their head on your lap as y/n stroke their pink fluffy hair and being careful not to touch their headpiece. You see, y/n and strawberry crepe have lived in a ghost town of a once grand kingdom, The Vanilla Kingdom and it gets lonely sometimes but overall you and Strawberry crepe have been content with the quietness. Sometimes the occasional tinkering of the Wafflebots but overall, normal. Well, at least in your standards

"Y/n! Y/n!", you hummed and looked at your self proclaimed little sibling in curiosity, you will admit that this was the first time in a while Strawberry Crepe seemed frantic and in distress. "What's the matter dear Strawberry crepe?" "I saw cookies! Like..living cookies!" You tensed up a bit, obviously not knowing what to do or what to say i mean..you never saw any other cookies other than Strawberry crepe and all you had was each other. You even still question how you managed to wake up in an abandoned castle with not a single cookie around other than strawberry crepe, you spaced out for a while now and snapped out of it when you saw strawberry crepe's hand waving in front of your face, "y/nnnnnn! Were you listeninnnnng?" You chuckled and held their hand, "we'll be fine, ok? Plus, we got your super strong wafflebot friends." "You mean OUR Wafflebots?" You sighed, "our, Wafflebots." Strawberry crepe just smiled and hugged you. "You're the best y/n!"

It's been a few hours and strawberry crepe kept reporting to you..even though you didn't really care much about the strange cookies- but nonetheless listened. "It seems like the cookies aren't really doing any harm strawberry crepe.." you sighed while they huffed and pouted, "they're making a mess! And they're destroying our Wafflebots!" You once  again sighed, ever since Dark enchantress cookie introduced Strawberry crepe to machinery, they've been constantly playing and tinkering with machine parts.

You were peering behind a wall and watched the strange cookies that Strawberry Crepe had mentioned...'let's see..7..cookies." You thought quietly to yourself but the cookie who stood out to you the most was the one in rags, you didn't know why but something about them seemed...powerful under all those rags and also..familiar... you shrugged it off and continued to watch from behind the dusty wall and then disappeared into the shadows

Black raisin cookie looked at the all in alert as if Strawberry crepe truly wasn't alone, "is something wrong black raisin?" Gingerbrave asked, black raisin shook her head, "it's nothing, most likely my imagination. Let's get a move on and get it done quickly, i wish to check up on the villagers below us."

As those 7 cookies carried on, you and strawberry crepe continued to watch..until they made it the castle entrance, strawberry crepe decided to make an longer appearance for them and challenged them to fight. You as always watched from behind the doors and frowned. Strawberry crepe lost and that's when you bolted out of your hiding spot, "strawberry crepe!" You cried out and embraced the smaller cookie in a gentle and warm hug. "Huh? Who are you?", Gingerbrave asked to which you had a small glare and didn't answer his question. "How dare you gang up on someone!" Gingerbrave flinched, "it was this midgets fault!" Red chili pepper exclaimed. You turned away  and ran off the other direction with a sad strawberry crepe in your arms, the only thing they heard from you was your gentle comforting words to the child.

Healer cookie couldn't help but stare at the spot and stay still, something was very familiar.. he couldn't place the feeling other than it was warm and fuzzy


Y/n was selling some pastries on the side with a gentle smile on their face. "I see you're still selling some of your homemade goods, y/n?" It was Pure Vanilla cookie's. You merely chuckled, "well, you always said my food was always delicious so.." your face turning pink a little and fiddled around with your apron. "Y/nnn!", a young and childish voice- voices called out to you with toys, "hello children." You greeted and offered them some of your snacks to which they gladly accepted. Pure Vanilla couldn't help but smile at the sight of his y/n being so kind and gentle. Oh if it were always peaceful..that is until you got caught up in the Dark Flour War..


"Er cookie!...healer cookie! HEALER COOKIE!", Gingerbrave nudged and yelled at Healer cookie back to reality. Healer cookie flinches and dusts off the invisible dust off his rags, "is something wrong, healer cookie?" The group of cookies gathered around healer cookie with worry to which healer cookie shook his head, "it's nothing, don't worry about me, please." The group looked at each other but still carried on...'what was this feeling?...who was that cookie?...why is this feeling warm and fuzzy?..' so many thoughts ran through his head as he walked with the group.


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