Lilac x Yogurt Cream's sibling! Timid, reader pt 2

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Weewooooweeewoo i lack inspiration hhhh

As time went on, Lilac cookie found himself very intrigued with Y/n, Yogurt Cream took some notice in his friend's interaction with his twin and simply smiled. Later on the same day, Yogurt Cream decided to throw a party which you didn't really like cause you were awkward, sensing the tension on your shoulders, Lilac put his hand on your shoulder which you looked at him in reply. In some way, he told you that you would be alright and that you have him and your brother. You smiled and simply nodded before getting ready, Lilac sighed, he cant fall for you, he simply can't. You were his target, you and your brother however..he couldn't help it.

A group of cookies made their way into the palace, a cookie you recognized, "Alchemist cookie!", you forgot about your shy demeanor and hugged her to which she hugged back with one hand and the other to fix her glasses, "hey! It's been a while y/n.", Alchemist cookie then introduced you to the group of cookies she was with and started to converse with you, and Yogurt cream joining in. Lilac couldn't help but observe you once more, you just had a bright smile and was content..he snapped out of it once he heard his employer's voice joining in. Talking about a treasure in a temple far away, at first Yogurt Cream didn't want to really go and wasn't very convinced, "oh come on! You two are father's favorites!", your older brother smiled, you looked over to your twin to see he's already made up his mind, he was gonna search for the Naga's heart. You sighed...'once he's out his mind on a treasure..,he's beyond convincing..' you thought

You decided to tag along and help your brother find this treasure by searching around town, however Lilac stayed behind with Plain Yogurt Cream. Little did you know...Your older brother was discussing with Lilac about your and your twin's deaths.. with no luck, you all gathered to the rendezvous point with no info..that is a suspicious cookie shows up, Scorpion cookie is what she introduced herself, just then Lilac met up with you all and simply glared at Scorpion cookie from behind you.

Timeskip to when you guys are at an unstable bridge and having a break

Let's be was a damn Long journey to finding the temple so you all decided to take a break. "Yogurt cream..I'm kind of thirsty..", you quietly complained to your twin to which scorpion cookie already had some drinks, "i figured we might've had a drink break so here you go!", she said with her smile, never fading. "T-thank you.", Yogurt cream gave his cup to you but you kept persisting that he needs some energy too, "you're my little sibling y/n! Cant have you passing out before seeing the treasure!", you sighed, "we're the same age Yogurt cream..", sure you were younger than him by a few minutes but still-

Lilac cookie silently watched as you put the cup near your lips, taking a small sip, "y/n how about you drink out of my cup.", he quickly said, masking his panic, you looked at him confused, "why? And..wouldnt you be thirsty too?", Lilac just insisted that he would be fine and rather see your thirst quenched than his. You smiled and thanked him, promising to hopefully return the favor when they get home. After the break it was time to cross the unstable bridge, you won't were kind of scared but then again, you had your brother and Lilac cookie to help you, Yogurt Cream cookie saw how nervous you looked and offered to cross first to which you quickly rejected and insisted you were fine but you caved into his offer..

As your group was halfway through the bridge, you felt a sudden jolt of paralysis hit you, "y/n?", Everyone looked back at you who was the very last person in the back..suddenly, you felt the bridge begin to collapse from your weight but just in the nick of time, lilac cookie quickly grabbed your hand and carried you across the bridge where the others were. "I-I'm sorry i-i didn't know w-what came over me..", you said as you were slowly being put down by lilac with tears pricking from your eyes, Yogurt Cream walked up to you and hugged you, telling you it was ok and that he was glad you were safe. Scorpion cookie looked over at Lilac and mumbled, "you're getting soft Lilac.", her smile still on her face.

Lilac stared scorpion cookie before letting the others know that they should get moving before it's too late.

More timeskip where you basically avoided all obstacles and meet Jelly Serpent cookie and free him-

After all the shit that happened, you passed out from exhaustion and Lilac was carrying you on his back, "they'll be alright..right?", Yogurt cream asked to which lilac replied, "they'll be fine..they're just exhausted from this long day.", you nuzzled even more into Lilac cookie, your breath tickling his neck which caused him to blush a little, yogurt cream noticed and snickered a bit, "seems like you have a thing for my sibling.", to which lilac just shook his head.

As everyone has met back in town, everyone parted ways, scorpion cookie going somewhere, gingerbrave and his friends finding this paradise, while you, lilac, and your brother head back inside the palace with the Naga's heart. Lilac decided to set you down on your bed and proceeded to leave, however your hand stopped him, "Lilac..", you muttered in your sleep. Lilac sighed and cuddled with you to which you had a content smile painted on your face. "Thank you..", Lilac smiled a bit, not like anyone can see it anyways and pulled you closer to him. Even though he didn't fulfill his contract, he's at least filled something in his heart.

"You're welcome y/n...I'll be here."


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