Disfigured Depressive Mess

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JJ is standing in front of a magazine stand filled with mental health solutions and child trauma cases. His fingers grazed over them as his eyes scanned the titles:
'Depression within a Teen'
'Father Failure Figures'
'The boy who cried neglect'
'Bruised, Beaten, and Bamboozled'

He picked up 'Bruised, Beaten, and Bamboozled' and opened it. Flipping through the pages, he's greeted with pictures of children with black eyes and empty refrigerators. The words 'love' and 'hate' form into a sentence full of contradictions. His stomach twisted into a form of uncomfortableness. He decided that was enough examination for one day and went back to his seat.
Kiara was sitting in the middle on the grey puffed sofa. Her legs are crossed with her hands plopped right in her lap. Her eyes skated around the room hearing nothing but the ticking clock behind her.

"So-" The therapist started, Mrs. Johnson.
She sat in a teal blue accent chair with her legs crossed as well. Her skin is beautifully deep with her brown locks sitting on her shoulders as some of them are tied back.

"I hope you know that I'm only here to help you, Kiara. As long as you let me. None of our conversations goes beyond these walls unless you wish to do something in harm to yourself or another person."

The brunette nodded before she fiddled with her numerous amount of bracelets. Johnson opened her dark green notebook, clicking her red and white pen with the name 'Golden Peak Recovery.'

"We'll start out with simple questions first. Is that okay with you?"

She gave another nod.

"Who would you consider the most important people in your life?"

Kiara pondered but not for very long, "My best friend Sarah, my boyfriend JJ, and....my dad."

Johnson could sense the shift in her direction on that last phrase. She nodded, scribbling some information in her notebook.

"Tell me, what have they done for them to be that high in value?"

Her mind pondered once again. "Um, I guess they just make me happy. My dad, he taught me how to surf, how to cook, how to drive, and just be a decent person. He's been one of my biggest supporters y'know. Sarah, she helps me get out of my safety bubble every now and again. She helps me feel beautiful on the outside and just tries to make me happy even if she goes a little overboard. And JJ, well there's many things. He's really sweet and understanding. He's taught me how to love myself not really on the outside but on the inside. He does gestures whether big or small and he's always cheering me on and encouraging me to do things that I genuinely want to do."

"And I was wondering,you seemed a little disconnected for a moment at the thought of your father. Any reason?"

Kiara blinked a few times taking in a slight breath, "Yeah, um, he passed away almost three years ago."

She wrote again.

"And how did that make you feel?"

She took her gaze off Johnson and onto a shelf. "It made me feel sad. Angry. Alone. It was a couple days before Summer break. I was sixteen freshly coming out of my sophomore year. I ended up not going for those last days. Just stayed in my room, isolating myself."

She wrote another time.

"So, do you feel that your father's death is the reason why you're here?"

Kiara shook her head. She put her hands under her legs.

"No, it isn't."

Johnson saw her disconnect again. This time she didn't look back. She didn't say anything. Just sat there. Kiara didn't want to hold back. She didn't want to hold it in. But that's all she did. That's all she could do. Because admitting that she's having those thoughts again and those feelings again would make her be all of the things she thought she'd be

A disfigured depressive mess.
Sorry for taking long😩
Hope y'all enjoyed
Until next time square groupers

Sincerely, Nicole🤎

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