Devil Skin

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Guys might get a little mad at me in this chapter.

"So you guys rode here from the mansion, but you have no idea when you left." Sixx stated for what felt like the 100th time.

"Yes!" Gage exclaimed even though he knew Sixx couldn't see or hear him, but Greg and Sonya looked at him as he erupted. "For god sake- Greg I give you permission to tell him about me just so I can wring his little n-"

"Yeah well I remember waking up a few times," Greg interrupted Gage who seemed like he was hell bent on making trouble for them. "Ryan yelled at Logan to take us out of harms way. And let's just say that Logan doesn't have a great home life so he was glad to take us away."

"Oh boo-who," Sixx mocked wiping his fists against his eyes. "The kid has a tough time. Oh well get over it."

"Sixx-" Sonya tried calming him before he said something too hurtful even though Logan wasn't even here.

"No Sonya, the guy took you guys out of state." Sixx spat as he pointed an accusing finger at her. "You know the rules. If the situation gets too hot for us to handle then we're suppose to meet on Liberty Island."

"Yeah thing is I had no control over the situation," Sonya spat and now her eyes went bright with fury as she spat the next part at him. "If you got over yourself and listened to Greg in the first place we all could've gotten away from that thing. But no, you had to be the hero and go and nearly get Gene killed. What the hell happens to us if we lose him and one of us is hurt?"

"Honestly Eric you treat me like I'm still that little girl you met 15 years ago," Sonya screamed which made Sixx lower his head. Did she really have that much power over him that he doesn't even fight back, Greg wondered. "I can look out for myself so quit fucking treating me like I'm some dumb little girl!"

"Fine..." Sixx muttered his head still lowered but he looked up when Greg shifted his uncomfortable position. "You stay the hell away from h-"

Sixx never got a chance to say what he wanted to say before Sonya slapped him across the face, knocking his hat off in the process. Sixx looked like he was about to say something to her but she immediately slapped him again. Now there was a furious look on his face but it wasn't directed at Sonya, he was looking straight at Greg. He couldn't say what it was, but something told Greg that it suddenly wasn't safe for him to stay where he was right now.

He was right. Before Greg could blink Sixx lunged at him with a dagger suddenly appearing in his hand, and he was aiming it right at Greg's heart. He managed to get out of the way for the first strike but Greg didn't see the next hit coming, and before he knew it he was laying on the ground holding his still healing stomach and Sixx was on top of him. His eyes were bright with fury as a flash of steel in front of Greg's eyes and as fear surged through him his body reacted before he could think.

His hand lashed out and his thumb tore at his eye causing the larger and stronger boy to rear back  but only for a moment. Sixx batted away Greg's arm and brought the dagger down with all his might. Greg had nowhere to go at this point and found himself simply watching as the dagger came down on him. He snapped his eyes shut and waited for another burst of pain, surprisingly though it never came. Instead Greg heard what sounded like metal grinding on stone, when he finally looked he saw Sixx's blade was just mere inches away from Greg's heart but what really caught his attention was what stopped it.

Wrapped around the blade Greg saw was a jet black hand that was lined with fur and what looked like dark indigo scales. His eyes followed the arm and saw that it actually was covered in fur and scales, but what shocked him the most was who the arm belonged to. His eyes widened  as he looked up at Logan who was glaring down at Sixx.

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