Bitter Sweet

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Last chapter before the end :( I don't like it... But here it is. One Chapter LEFT!!! (Not including the Epilogue).

"What the hell are you talking about," Greg demanded, hoping he sounded a lot more threatening than he felt. "My dad's name is Daniel Kennedy Allen, and you are not my dad."

"Well in the sense that he and your mom made you, yes he is your father," Logan said with a shrug. "But it's my blood that made you what you are Greg, it's what makes your touch toxic. So in a sense, yes I'm your father too."

Greg stared hard at Logan wishing that his ability wasn't limited to his touch or the amount of blood that he had in his body. He wanted to kill the other boy, he should've let him die after he pulled him off of Sixx back at the hotel. And Gage didn't even say anything.. Wait a minute, he thought touching his shoulder. Where is Gage? Logan didn't say what happened to him. But why would he, now that Greg thought about it Gage never really was on their side, he was just Logan's little watch dog. A pet, much like Greg was now since he didn't know what Logan would be willing to do to his little brother.

"Are you curious about--oh what was his name--Gage?" Logan asked as if he read his mind. "Don't worry about him, he's no longer bound to you. I severed your bond to that little traitor-"

"What do you mean?" Greg mumbled as he sat up and looked at the floor. Maybe if he behaved himself he could catch Logan by surprise and- do something

"Well the little shit decided that his bond with you took precedence over his obligation to me," Logan said and pointed at a wound on his chest. "Stabbed me with a bit of wood."

"Good," Greg spat at the other boy. "You deserved it."

"That's no way to talk to your father Greg." Logan said mockingly.

"You're not my fucking father!" Greg screamed. "Your just some twisted monster who thinks he can do whatever he wants."

Logan let out a sigh and gave Greg a disappointed look as if he were expecting Greg to be okay with his plans for him. He walked over to Greg and extended his hand, which Greg slapped away. There was no way that he'd willingly touch the person who'd kidnapped him and was planning on draining him of blood. Logan must not have liked the way Greg just acted because he punched him on the corner of his head, sending Greg to the floor where he immediately felt blood oozing from the spot where Logan had struck him.

"Now listen to me Greg," Logan said hauling the other boy up to his feet which made Greg feel like he was about to puke due to dizziness. "You don't have much choices here when it comes to doing what I say. Either you do what I say and guarantee Tim's safety, or you don't in which case I'll sick one of my Hellhounds on him. Your choice."

Greg blinked away the dizzyness he was feeling and he stared at Logan who looked absolutely serious about sicking one of the Hellhounds on his little brother. Even though there was no way that he could know that Logan would keep his word and leave Tim alone Greg knew he couldn't risk it. He slowly nodded which made Logan drop him back on the ground. Greg still feeling slightly dizzy tried to steady himself as he followed Logan after being signaled to follow.

"So as I said before," Logan began after they'd been walking for a few minutes. "I'm not cruel, and I'd like to keep the promise I made your brother."

"What did you promise him," Greg asked the other boy still feeling weary of what he said while in his presence. 

"I said that I'd bring you back to him," Logan said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "As long as you do what your told and be a good little dog, you can visit him everyday for one hour."

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