To drink!

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I knew exactly what dress I would wear before I even had the chance to look through my clothing.
It was very pale teal in colour, floor length with a deep v neck. A belt that resembled snakes twisted around one another around the waste area.
It was my favourite every day lounge dress. Beautiful but also simple.

Once I had the dress on I brushed my hair, giving myself the once over in the full length mirror before leaving. The dress was slightly baggy because of the weight I had lost but it was still as beautiful as ever.

Leaving the room I took the long way to the local tavern where I knew they would be.
I passed a few maids on the way, I gave them a smile as I past, giggling slightly at the confused expressions on their face. Whether it was because an old face had returned or i was a new face, i wasn't sure.
I hurried towards the gates of the palace, not even bothering to look around corners or behind me, I was too excited to be able to feel normal again.

Laughing and singing could be heard as I neared the tavern. Drunk asgardians tumbling out the front door. Groups of men laughing at each other as they all tried to walk towards their homes.
The sun was almost setting, casting long shadows of everything that laid in its path.

Opening the tavern door I was met with the loud commotion and strong smell of Asgard tobacco.
Everything was glowing a faint yellow from the candles that hung in various chandeliers.
I saw Thor and the warriors sitting at a table near the bar at the far right of the room.

"Hello everyone!" I had to shout
Everyone turned towards me, each holding a cup of beer.
"Ah, you have joined us, Kionna. I have got you a drink" Thor smiled, handing me a cup and gesturing me to sit beside him.
"It's nice to see you looking well Lady Kionna" Volstagg patted my on the shoulder in a gentle manner for him.
"Thank you, I fell much better" I smiled before taking a long drink, downing half of the beer. Exhaling in content the others began to laugh.
"Haven't had a good drink in a while I see?" Fandral smiles
"Indeed I haven't" I mimic their laughter
"I have told the others that you have already helped yourself to a bottle of wine so they must not overindulge you" Thor informs me, giving the warriors a stern loon as he said the latter.
"We said we could not promise him that" Volstagg laughs.
I take another sip, trying my best to save what I had left. Oh I missed Asgard beer.

"So, where have you been all this time?" Sif asks, taking a sip of her drink.
I look into my cup, trying my best to smile without looking too uneasy about the question.
"It's a long story. I wouldn't want to bore, we are here to drink and have fun" I look up to them, giving a forced smile.

"To drink!" Hogan announces as he raises his drink into the air.
We all join, hitting all our cups together above our heads. "Too drink!" we all say in unison before taking a swig.

About 2 hours and a lot more drink later, we were all done for. Fandral had tried to chat up the bar maid to get us all free drinks multiple times, which resulted in him getting slapped...multiple times.
Sif had already had a fight with another bar tender, of course, she won.
Thor was dancing and singing along with other men and women in the bar.
We had laughed until there was no air left in our lungs and I had fallen off my chair more than I could count.
As Thor and Volstagg sang along with other men I heard the door open.

"Brother!" Thor shouted just after.
My eyes widened as I slowly turned my head towards the door. Surely enough it was Loki.
"Shitshitshitshitshitshit" I tuned back to Sif, lowering my head in the hopes that he wouldn't see me.
Out of the corners of my eye I saw his legs beside me.
"Hey...Loki...dear" I hiccuped, causing Sif to laugh as I did. Loki however, didn' seem amused.
"I have been looking for you" he says sternly, burning a hole into my skull from his stares.
"Well, you f-found me" I raised my arms up in the air.
"I told you not to leave"
"I only had one drink...I swear" i held my hands up, trying my best to laugh.
"She did only had one drink...then she had about 10 more" Hogan butted in, causing me to lose my composure and burst out laughing.

I went to take another drink of what was left in my cup but Loki snatched it from me.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me to my feet.
"Hey, what are y-you doing?" I hiccuped again.
"Taking you to bed" he said as he escorted me out of the tavern, putting his arms around my waist to keep me upright.
"ooo, it's my lucky night!" I giggled, everyone else laughing also.
Loki didn't respond, he only replied by dragging me out of the tavern faster, the cold air hitting my bare skin as we made our way out.
I was still having difficulty in walking, only it was for a different reason this time.

The walk through the palace was silent, Loki had to keep tightening his grip as I swayed. By the direction he was taking me, he much have been taking me to my chambers, instead of the healing room.

Once there he dropped me onto my bed, still not saying a word.
He left the room and returned a few minutes later with a glass of water, setting it down at the bed side table.

"You are still healing" He looked down at me
"A little drink won't hurt me"
"It could affect the healing process. We both know you have probably drank more than your body weight"
"I'll be fine" I say, laying on the be"
"Hopefully you will. Thor won't be tomorrow when I get my hands on him" He began to take of my shoes and pull the blanket over me.

"Aren't you going to get me ready for bed?" I whispered, my eyes slowly closing, realising I am more tired than I thought I was.
"No...I knew what you are like when you are intoxicated" he quietly laughed.
I gave a tired smile.
"Goodnight Kionna" he said as he left the room, all I could do was hum in reply before I fell into a deep sleep.

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