Spilt Wine

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AN -Sorry i took so long getting this updated. Christmas has been hectic and my laptop broke, so i lost everything. Nothing much here but one detail is important...you will find out why in later chapters :) Hope you enjoy :D 

Despite only being gone for a small number of years, the halls of the palace still feel as giant as they did when I was only a young girl. Towering over you, the inscriptions and carvings that reach many meters above the gold surface, making you feel constantly watched and somewhat claustrophobic, despite the sheer size of it all. My footsteps echoed and filled the halls with noise, and I could hear others far into distance, their footsteps and voices being nothing but a slight murmur to me. After first arriving here I memorized certain inscriptions to help me navigate through the maze of halls and rooms. Now, it's like second nature, I could get from A to B with my eyes closed tightly.

I carry on walking at a steady pace, turning here and there until I reach the grand doors of the throne room. I pause before pushing the doors open, taking a deep breath, preparing for the worst while hoping for the best. The doors creek as I open them, echoing through the room and causing Odin to turn towards me from whatever he was looking at on the table in front of him. I give a slight bow and wait for him to speak first.

"May I help you Lady Kionna?" he says as he turns and shifts around the papers on his desk.

"I was wondering if Thor and Loki had returned from the village. If they have any important news." I fiddle with my fingers, hoping for the answer I was looking for.

"No. They should be returning soon. Anything else?" his voice is stern but still calm, he still doesn't turn towards me.

"NO, Allfather. Thank you" I bow once again and leave the throne room before he could say another word, softly closing the doors behind me. i decided to head for the palace main gates, knowing that when they arrived back, they would come through those gates since they were the closest to the village. As I walked, my footsteps still echoing, I heard what appeared to be glass smashing from around one of the corners ahead of me. Hurrying my pace I turned the corner to see a young maid had dropped a tray of wine bottles. Many pieces of broken glass scattered across the golden floor and the dark red liquid soaked whatever it could touch. The maid frantically tried to pick up as much of the broken glass as possible, cursing to herself in a somewhat fearful but fumed voice.

"Careful." I call to her as I walked over to help. She jumped slightly at my presence, her expression matching her voice.

"I'm so sorry miss. I, I didn't mean for this to happen" she stuttered looking to me with wide eyes. Most probably expecting a howling. I smiled at her slightly, causing her face to soften.

"Accidents happen, do not worry yourself. Now pick up the large pieces carefully first, so you don't cut your hands." She did so as I started, the wine slightly staining my hands, making them turn crimson red.

After a few moment another maid came running over, hands full of cleaning supplies. She looked at me, puzzled at first, but she bowed slightly. "Lady Kionna, you didn't need to bother, you may harm yourself."

I have known this maid since I was young. Age is beginning to show on her face but not in her work. Her once long brown hair is now short, with many specks of grey here and there. But her eyes are still the bright blue they have always been.

"I couldn't leave her to struggle, it's the least I can do" I smile as I carry on. She doesn't say another word, only starts cleaning what we have missed. Once it was mostly cleaned and I was of no help I carried on towards the gates. My footsteps echoing once more. It wasn't far to the palace entrance but I hurried my pace anyway. I got to the steps at the entrance that lead down towards the golden gates when Thor and Loki where arriving back.

"Find anything useful?" I asked as they ascended the many steps. A worn look upon their faces, despite only being out for a few hours and their only task being to gather whatever information they could about last nights incident.

"Nothing much. Slight damage to a few buildings and three witness reports. Hopefully it is something to go on." Thor spoke as he bounded up the stairs. I simply nodded in understanding. Loki seemed preoccupied but he was staring at me, not at my face but at something else, his brows knitted together in confusion. Once in front of me at the top of the stairs he grabbed my hands to inspects them.

"What happened?" he asked worryingly. it wasn't until then that I noticed the wine stains on my hands, making me realise that to him it might have looked like blood.

"Oh it's nothing. Just wine." I laughed at his worry.

"You have been drinking again?" he voice was more of anger than worry at this point.

"No, of course not. A maid had an accident with some bottles and I helped clean it up for her." I continued to giggle slightly but he just stared at me, debating whether to believe me or not.

"Honestly. You can ask Vaske the maid, she helped too." I tried not to smile but to look serious, but having to explain this to him without him believing caused me to still carry on giggling.

The three of us walked towards the throne room, since they would have to report back to Odin with their findings and the information they gathered of the villagers. We engaged in small talk, about what they had been told and I told them more about the wine accident. I was too embarrassed to tell them about me failing miserably during my training session. When Loki asked I simply said '"it was fun but I didn't stay long".

Once at the throne room doors again I decided to leave the boys and head for my chambers for a nap. This morning had warn me out and I wanted to stay awake for dinner which was in an hour.  

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