It's him

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AN - Sorry this took a while i have been very busy looking for a job, urg.

Loki finnaly arrives in this chapter yeyyy.

Sorry for any mistakes and please comment if you want :D

The video i have added was the song i was listening to when i came up with this scene :)


I wake up the next morning shivering, squinting my eyes from the sun shining through the window.

I slowly get up to stretch, the ache in my neck and back telling me that it was a bad idea to sleep in the chair.

I walk towards the closet to pick out some clean clothes, choosing another pair of trousers along with a dark green tunic, it’s nothing special but it will do.

Quickly I brush my hair and pull the parts that hang at the front and loosely pull them to the back of my head and braid them.

Just as im finished I hear a noise coming from outside, that’s that great thing about being an elf, I can hear very sensitive noises easily.

Slowly I began to walk towards the door, expecting the worst once I opened it.

My hand was on the handle gingerly opening the door to take a peek at what could be one the other side.

I get a shock at what I see, it’s a horse, large and black, I open the door further so I am able to put my head through and scan the area.

It looks clear.

I step out into the warm sunshine, the breeze slightly blowing my hair into my face.

As I walk up to the horse I notice some parchment tied to the horse’s wavy black mane by string.

I take hold of the paper and read what is written upon it.

There is nothing but the letter T, just a T.

‘It must be from Thanos’ I mumble to myself.

As I pat the horse on the neck I kick something on the floor that is among the leaves, I look down to notice it’s a bow and quiver that holds about 10 bows.

I pick it up to inspect it, the bow is simple, a walnut brown without any patterns carved into the wood, the quiver and bows are the same colour and the arrow have eagle feathers at the end which are white with brown to black tips.

I fling the quiver and bow over my shoulder and mount the horse, which is already fully tacked up and ready to be ridden, i might as well make the most of it now and hunt for as much food as I can.

Oh how I miss the days when I ventured into the forest of Asgard for hours at a time hunting rabbit or duck and cooking them on a small fire.

I also miss my own bow, I made it myself when I was only young, it was black and I carved messages and images into it myself over the years, it could tell many stories.

Once prepared I look out into the forest, noticing the trees making it hard to look further into the distance, I kick the stead in the sides gently but forcefully with my heels and begin to gallop into the depths of the forest.

A smile begins to spread across my face as the wind blows through my red hair, the smell of the earth and pine fills my nose.

The air is so clean and fresh I breathe in deeply, letting the wild air fill my lungs.

For a moment I feel like I’m at home.

I used to live in an elf village of 600 within a forest that was on the outskirts of Asgards capital with my mother and father.

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