Chapter 5: 2nd exam

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[Training ground 44]

Arriving at Training ground 44, Sakura and Sasuke see that Naruto was already there, weird. "Hey guys, this part of the chunin exams probably allows killing so be on guard and don't let other examiners get to close, they might put a tracking seal on you." Naruto said, seeing his team arrive.

"Welcome everyone to Training ground 44, also known as... the forest of death!" *lighting* Anko shouted.

(You know the exam rules, Naruto has the scroll)

Entering the forest and running for a while, team 7 eventually take a break at a rather large tree. "Ok guys, I think we should have a code word in case we get separated." Naruto suggested. "Oh, how about we say our soul attribute, no one knows that!" Sakura said happily.

"There's a team listening, you should kill them." Chara suggested to Naruto (I genuinely forgot about her). Naruto nodded. "Great idea, now we are being watched, let's get you guys leveled up." Naruto said, disappearing and reappearing with the team that was whatsing them.

"Blue means stop." Naruto said, stabbing patience bones through them. Thing-2 tried to call his bluff and tried to move when he suddenly felt like he was actually being stabbed all the way through, causing him to scream. "That's one way to prove it." Naruto said.

"Ok, which one of you has the scroll." Naruto said. "If you don't tell us, Sakura here will force you to move." Naruto finished, a blue heart appeared in front of all their chests with Sakura's hand slightly outstretched.

"Please, let us go, thing-3 has the scroll." Thing-1 said (that's there names 2 eyes is thing-1, no eyes is thing-3 (it's the Ame shinobi))

Nodding, Naruto goes over and rips the kuni pouch off thing-3's hip, making sure not to move him in the prosses. Taking out another heaven scroll, Naruto frowns and waves to Sakura to kill them. Pulling down, Sakura forces the shinobi down, they scream in agony before dieing.

"Remember what I said to you earlier, it's kill or be killed, you don't have to like it but you have to bare with it." Naruto said, reminding Sakura and Sasuke that killing is in there job description.

Moving on, the team find themselves hit with a massive amount of wind. All 3 of them get launched into a tree and pass out.

[With Orochimaru]

"Well that was easy, my timing was perfect for that." Orochimaru mumbled, he then put the curse seal on Sasuke and left.

[Time skip]

Waking up Naruto feels a malevolent feeling. Rolling over he sees Sasuke with fire tattoos pulling on a sound nins arms. "You don't have to make it so brutal Sasuke!" Naruto shouted over to him.

Snapping out of his funk, Sasuke sees the sound team and calls over to Naruto. "Restrain them, Sakura got the last team!" Sasuke called back. Doing just that Naruto sits up.

"Blue means stop, Sasuke get off the last guy so I can restrain him too." Naruto said, walking over to Sasuke and Sakura. "judging by the malevolent feeling, someone is trying to replace your soul, good thing is I can change your soul color now so you aren't stuck with recklessness, bad thing is your soul could become something your weak in." Naruto said.

Getting excited about getting a better soul color, Sasuke started doing a happy dance. "Ok first things first, who has the scroll and who wants to test if I'm bluffing about blue means stop." Naruto said, getting the guy Sasuke was pinning to move, only for him to scream in agony. "I guess he did." Naruto said

"So, who has the scroll?" Naruto asked. "I do, just let us go." The bandaged one said. "Where's it at?" Naruto asked. "In my kuni pouch, obviously." The mummy huffed.

Reaching for the kuni pouch, Naruto had to dodge a sound blast. "I can make this more agonizing, orange means go." Naruto said, swapping the color for the guys left arm. "AAAHHHHHH, MAKE IT STOP!" He yelled, attracting nearby teams (team 9 and 10).

Swaping the color back Naruto asked again. "Who has the scroll." "KIN DOES, JUST DONT KILL ME!" Mummy said, to scared to be in that kind of pain anymore. Looking over to the girl, Naruto tilts his head. "I'll release you if you throw me your scroll." Naruto suggested.

"Sure, whatever, just don't kill me or do what you did to them." Kin said, getting released. Throwing both of there scrolls to Naruto, who caught them, Kin turns to leave. "Ah ah ah, I never said you could leave." Naruto said, blue bones back in place.

"Ok Sasuke, go ahead and kill them." Naruto said, getting a smirk from Sasuke. After killing them, Sasuke leveling up in the prosses, Naruto turned to the bushes. "Come out team 9 and 10, I know your there." Naruto commanded.

Coming out of the bushes and trees, team 9 and 10 look at each other, how did you know they were there (Chara told him when they arrived during the killing). "What do you want?" Naruto asked.

"Why did you turn Sasuke into a murderer!" Ino yelled at him. "I didn't, killing is in our job description, Sasuke needs his first kill and Sakura already got her's earlier." Naruto responded. Shocked that Sakura has killed, not to mention recently, Ino started to cry.

"Ino, it's fine, we can go back to being friends instead of rivals if that cheers you up?" Sakura offered, hugging Ino. Ino hugged back and nodded.

"Ok, well do you guys have your scrolls, we have 2 extra heaven scrolls if any of you need it." Naruto said. Shikamaru looked at him before sighing. "Thank you Naruto, doing the rest of this part of the exam would be a drag." Shikamaru said, already done with the woods. Choji just nodded with his stomach growling.

Naruto passing a heaven scroll to Shikamaru. "Here you go choji, Shikamaru, I didn't know how long it would take to get both scrolls so I packed extra food." Naruto said, passing Choji an extra bag of jerky.

"Ok, I think it would be beneficial if we walk together to the tower, team 9, are you good on scrolls?" Naruto asked. "We are fine Naruto, our flames of youth have made it easy to obtain both scrolls!" Lee said, shouting about flames and youth right after.


Making it to the tower was easy. Splitting up, team 7 opens their scroll. "Good job you guys, and Naruto, I heard about the bloodline, I think it looks cool." Iruka said, entering via summoning.

"Hey Iruka-sensei, how have you been?" Naruto asked. "Good, Konohamaru says hi by the way, well I'm off, come meet me at Ichiraku's when your done, I want to hear about how the second exam went." Iruka said before disappearing.

"Ok Sasuke, tomorrow I will change your soul attribute because I need a good night's sleep to be able to do that, not be knocked out for an unknown amount of time." Naruto said, getting a nod from Sasuke.

(Got bored, made this, have a great day and I will see you next time)

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