Chapter 10: 3rd exam

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Kakashi finally arrived. "Hey Naruto, the Hokage told me about Ink and Error, when this team meeting is over bring them to the hokage." Kakashi said, pulling out his "literature". Naruto nodded.

"Ok, this is just a check up meeting, anyone got anything they need to share or can this be short." Kakashi explained. "I'm bringing Error into our training sessions so he can help me with my string magic." Sasuke said. Kakashi nodded and turned to Naruto.

"Anything new with you?" Kakashi asked. "No, just working on bone magic, I got a secret move down though." Naruto replied. Kakashi turned to Sakura.

"I can now fly with integrity magic and I'm working on a new move." Sakura said, getting the hint to talk. "Ok, if you need anything, us 3 will be at Training ground 67." Kakashi said, getting nods in return. Kakashi grabbed both Sasuke and Error before he disappeared.

After Sakura left, Ink turned to Naruto. "Let me guess, the "secret move" is the gaster blaster?" Ink asked. Naruto nodded. "Why is it called the gaster blaster?" Naruto asked. Ink looked away.

"In every universe I make, gaster always falls into the void, I tried going around it but that ended up with cross sans' universe getting wiped, he was the only survivor, having been combined with Chara's half of the soul." Ink Explained.

"Do you think a gaster exists in my world?" Naruto asked. "I don't know, if he did he would probably be in the void." Ink said. "Is there a way to get to the void?" Naruto asked. Ink nodded. "To get into the void you have 2 ways. You can either recreate the CORE or you can tear a hole in the universe, which is what the core does." Ink Explained.

Naruto nodded. "What would happen if I did wrip a hole in the universe?" Naruto asked. Ink shrugged. "I don't know if your universe even has a void, if it did I wouldn't know what it would do, the core usually has lava on top of the tear so it's clearly a one use thing." Ink Explained.

Done with the conversation, Naruto brought Ink to the hokage's office.

"Ah Naruto, Ink, just on time." Hiruzen said when the 2 walked in. "Error got stuck training Sasuke so it's just us 2 for now." Naruto said, closing the door. "So what did you need us for?" Naruto asked.

"I wanted to know how Ink creates universes." Hiruzen said. Ink nodded. "Well, in the Ink space, there are these papers that I can use my paint magic on and create detailed universes, I taught Error a little bit of paint magic so he could make universes as long as he doesn't destroy the ones I make." Ink Explained.

"So your paint magic combined with a blank piece of paper in "the ink space" allows you to create universes." The hokage summarized. Ink nodded. "Yup, and yours just came into existence right before my eyes, although, like I said earlier, I had to put it off sense I had to deal with cross trying to take parts of other universes to recreate his." Ink Explained.

"Ok, well I guess that's it, if you need anything just come to me and I will be happy to provide." Hiruzen said, getting a nod from Ink. "Oh and Naruto, the mission is still ongoing, you can "fail" it just don't let Konoha get destroyed." The hokage said, turning to Naruto who nodded.

After Ink and Naruto left, Naruto invited Ink to lunch with him. They found there way the Akamichi BBQ restaurant. Naruto also saw team 10 there but paid them no mind, they didn't ask questions either.

"Ok, Ink, I'm off to practice bone magic, I will see you when the chunin exams come around." And with that Naruto disappears.

[Chunin exam stadium]

The month finished, the suna team was back, and Ink and Error stayed to watch. Naruto warned Ink that people could die but it wasn't likely. Error just brushed the warning off, saying something about how "dieing is gay"

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