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Are you okay? Draco, please talk to me. You know I love Harry, but you're my friend, too. --HG

Draco tosses the letter aside. There's a pile of them littering the corner of the desk of the guest bedroom he's currently occupying. It's the first time she's used his name, though. Trying to coax a response out of him.

"That was low, Granger," he murmurs, crossing his arms on the desk and burying his face in them.

"Draco! We're going shopping, do you want to...what happened?"

"Nothing," he shrugs. "Just another letter from Granger."

What he wants is to crawl back into bed.

"Ah," Pansy frowns, walking over to brush his unkempt hair off his forehead. "Persistent, isn't she?"

"She's just worried," Draco sighs. "I didn't speak to any of them before I...I just...left. They probably hate me as much as he does."

"I'm not sure that's how Gryffindor minds work," Pansy says gently. "Besides, she wouldn't write if she didn't care, yeah?"


"Draco, I—"

"I fucked up, Panse," his face crumples, and she wraps him in a tight hug.

"It'll be okay, Draco," she strokes a hand through his hair.

He shakes his head.

No. No, it won't. 

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