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Harry arrives at home to complete chaos.

Ginny has her wand out and is chasing Draco around the house, firing off Bat-Bogey hexes so rapidly that he's barely managing to block and/or dodge them.

He decides to let things play out, leaning against the sitting room door frame to watch.

"Come on, Gin," Draco pants, ducking behind a chair. "You don't want to do this. We were friends!"

"I was Harry's friend first, and he's been miserable, you git!" she shrieks. "And now you think you can just come back here and everything will just be fine?"

"No! Of course not!"

She stops, impatiently brushing her hair out of her face and glaring at him. "Then what?"

"I know I fucked up," he says softly. "I fucked everything up. I'm sorry. I don't know how I'll ever make it up to him. And...I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye to you, too."

"Yes, well," Ginny tucks her wand into the sleeve of her robes and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. "It was a shit thing to do."

"I know."

"You're the absolute worst," she says, as Draco pulls her into a hug.

He smiles. "I know."

"Glad that's worked out," Harry says, startling them both.

"Harry!" Ginny releases Draco to walk over to him and looks him over appraisingly. "Where have you been? You look like shit."

"Thanks," Harry says flatly. "I went to break things off with Aiden."

"Really? I didn't think that was..."

"Neither did I," Harry groans, heading for the kitchen. Draco and Ginny follow him down the stairs, exchanging a concerned look. He pulls a bottle out of a cabinet and uses magic to open it, pouring himself a generous measure of firewhisky.

"What happened?" Draco finally asks.

Harry shakes his head and downs the glass. "He said he's in love with me."

Ginny smacks her palm to her face. "Oh, Harry."

"How can he be? He doesn't even know the real me!"

"I think you underestimate just how loveable you are," Draco says with a wry smile.

Harry sighs and pours himself more firewhisky. "Merlin, I was awful to him. I didn't mean to be, but I was."

"It'll be okay, Harry," Ginny says softly. "He'll move on." 

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