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They meet every night for two weeks, always at Aiden's flat.

Despite himself, Aiden finds himself falling for Harry. He knows he shouldn't, knows Harry won't reciprocate, and yet, there's something about him that draws him in. His sad eyes, maybe. Or maybe it's the way they light up when he manages to coax the rare smile and laugh out of him.

"Can I come to yours sometime?" he asks.

"Aiden," Harry says slowly, cautiously. "You know this isn't...that we're not..."

"I know," Aiden says quickly. "I was just curious about where you live."

"Oh," Harry relaxes. "Sorry, yeah. I've been remodeling, I should have said. But you can come over to see it next week if you like?"

Aiden smiles. "That sounds great." 

✦ ✦ ✦

"Why are we moving these Muggle appliances in here again?" Ginny asks, levitating the shiny new refrigerator into place with her wand.

"So that Aiden doesn't think anything is strange when he comes over," Harry shrugs, opening a box and pulling out a toaster. He sets it on the counter.

"How serious is it with this Muggle, Harry?"

"It's not serious at all Gin, it's not...anything. It's just physical. But it's a bit weird to only meet at one person's place, isn't it? Makes it seem like I'm cheating, or something."

"I guess." She reaches out and touches his arm. "Be careful, Harry. I don't want you getting hurt."

"How could I possibly be hurt any more than I already have been?" he asks, giving her a sad smile.

Ginny squeezes his arm sympathetically. "It will get better, Harry. I promise. And I would know."

She would, he knows. Better than anyone.

✦ ✦ ✦

Harry brings tea up to the sitting room.

"She didn't deserve you," Draco is saying gently, stroking a hand over Ginny's bright red hair.

She sobs harder against his shoulder. "But I love her!" Ginny chokes out.

"I know, but you'll be alright. Anyone stupid and cruel enough to cheat on our Gin isn't worth another moment of your time."

"Er, I have..." Harry sets the tray on the coffee table in front of them. "Tea?"

Ginny gives him a watery smile and takes a cup, cradling it in her hands.

"Draco's right, you know," Harry says. "She's never been up to standard. You'll find someone better."

"It doesn't feel like it right now," she says miserably into her mug.

"Er...what did you do when you caught them?"

Draco shoots him a look over Ginny's head that clearly says: Are you fucking kidding me, Potter?

But Ginny laughs. "Hit them each with a Bat-Bogey Hex and got the fuck out of there. You should have seen the locker room—it was filled and I locked the door behind me so they were stuck in there in their skivvies with hundreds of bats just flying about. It was chaos."

Harry and Draco both start laughing, too.

"That's our girl," Draco puts an arm around her shoulders and gives her a squeeze. "See? You'll be fine." 

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