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"So, what are you going to do now?" Hermione asks.

Harry shrugs. "I have no idea, honestly. I suppose I'll have to spend some time exploring options. I wish I'd listened when...he...offered to help. He was always better at this kind of thing. I wouldn't even listen to his ideas at the time."

"Well, you weren't ready yet," she says gently. "You can't beat yourself up for that."

"I suppose," Harry sighs. "Is it stupid that I still miss him?"

"No," she pulls him into a hug. "I miss him too."

"He still hasn't answered you?"

"No," she sighs. "I know you told me you didn't want to know, so I haven't mentioned it, but he's ignored every letter I've sent. I guess I'm just too close to you. He doesn't want the reminder."

"You think he's hurting, too?"

"Oh, I don't doubt it for a second, Harry."

He buries his face in her hair and takes a shaky breath.

"How are things with that Muggle?"

"Fine," Harry sighs. "He's coming over tonight."

✦ ✦ ✦

"You slug-puking bastard!" Draco bursts out, as Ron starts laughing hysterically. "You're cheating!"

"I'm not cheating ferret face," Ron retorts, taking a swig of his firewhisky, "I'm just better at wizard's chess than you are. Admit it."

"Never." Draco focuses intently on the board again, narrowing his eyes. He sways slightly in his chair as he commands his chess piece in the next move.

"Drunk wizard's chess," Hermione shakes her head at Harry. "Who decided this was a good idea?"

Harry shrugs and drinks from his glass. "It was all them," he laughs, "they decided it would be a good way to bond."

Hermione sips from her glass of wine. "Hmm. How's that working out, do you think?"

Harry glances over at his...he's not sure what to call Draco at this point...friend with benefits? And his best friend. They're still trading strangely fond insults over the chess board.

"Surprisingly well," he laughs.

She smiles at him. "I think so, too. I never thought I would say this, but I like you and Draco. I never thought I'd say I liked Draco at all, but here we are," she laughs. "He's one of my best friends, and you're one of my best friends, and I like the two of you together."

"We're not...y'know, actually together," Harry says, a little too quickly.

She gives him a sly smile. "Not yet." 

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