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Aiden is starting to think the fling with Harry never actually happened.

It starts with a drunk phone call, to a number that has been disconnected.

Well, that explains why his last few drunk texts weren't delivered.

After three months, Aiden decides to go to the house, just to convince himself he's not actually going insane.

This leads to Aiden staring blankly at the place where the house should be, where it had been, he's sure of it. But there's no house there. Number Eleven and Number Thirteen stand, side-by-side, and there is no Number Twelve between them.

Shaking his head in confusion, he turns to leave.

Had he dreamt the whole thing?

But then his eyes land on the park across the street and he sees them.

Harry and Draco are sitting side-by-side on a chequered picnic blanket, laughing at something a redhead nearby has said. The other man is lying on his back, his head in the lap of a woman with bushy brown hair. Harry puts a bottle to his lips, shaking his head in amusement.

As Aiden watches, another red-haired person, a woman, joins them, holding the hand of a woman with long, wavy blonde hair. Draco says something to the newcomers, and the red-haired woman shoves at his shoulder, laughing. He grins.

As the two women join them on the blanket and dig around in the large basket for food and drink, Harry leans his head against Draco's shoulder. Draco turns toward him and smiles softly. Whatever he says earns him a smile and a kiss on the cheek before Harry settles back down against him.

They look...happy.

The jealousy and anger fade away. 

There's just really no competing in this situation. The way Harry is looking at Draco...he's never looked at Aiden like that. No one has.

But, as he walks away, Aiden hopes that someday, someone will. 

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