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The bathroom door slams open, and Harry startles in the shower, dropping the soap.

"What the fuck, Malfoy?"

Draco smirks at the hand that has dropped to cover his crotch. "What, now you're shy?"

Harry pulls a face at him. "What are you doing here?"

He looks at Draco, then. Really looks at him. His eyes are red, and his hands are trembling as he unbuttons his shirt.

"I need you," Draco drops the shirt and starts unbuckling his belt, "need you to fuck me. Right now, Potter."

Harry picks up the soap and sets it back on the shelf.

"Er, alright."

So Harry does. And then they shower. And then Harry fucks him on the bed, too. Just for good measure.

"Are you okay?" Harry works up the nerve to ask afterward, and he tentatively reaches out to rake his fingers through Draco's teal hair.

"Never better," Draco slides away from him and gets out of bed.

"No, you're not."

He watches as Draco struggles to decide how to respond to him. To Harry's surprise, the façade drops. His face crumples.

Harry climbs out of bed and crosses the room to wrap his arms around him. Draco buries his face in his hair and sobs.

"I know what happened today," Harry says after a long moment, stroking a hand over his back. "I'm sorry, Draco. I tried to stop it."

"I know you did," Draco sniffles. "They needed to...make an example of someone. And I know my father was...I know he did horrible things...but..."

"No one deserves that. I didn't want any of them to get the Kiss."

"I know," Draco shudders. "Thank you for trying. I know it wasn't for me, but I..."

Harry kisses his cheek. It's a tender gesture, new for them. "It was a little for you," he whispers. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop it."

Draco kisses his mouth. "Thank you." After a moment, he asks, "Can I stay with you tonight?"

"Of course," Harry guides him back toward the bed.

Malfoy and Potter don't cuddle, it's an unwritten rule in this arrangement they've had going for the past few weeks. Neither of them says anything as Harry pulls Draco into his arms and holds him close, hands skating over the smooth skin of his back until his breathing slows and they drift off together.

And for the first time, one of them spends the night. Draco wakes up several times, the image of his father's empty, glassy eyes staring at him in the dark. Each time, Harry wakes with him. He holds him, tries to distract him. They get up and drink cocoa at three in the morning. He's there, and he knows how it feels, and he cares, and Draco feels safe. Comforted.

He doesn't quite know how to handle it. Physical attraction he can handle, noncommittal sex he can handle, but this...emotional connection that seems to be forming? Genuine affection from Potter? It absolutely terrifies him.

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