ii. the new girl

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chapter two
the new girl

     SHE LOOKED UP at the night sky, admiring the big balls of gas that scattered around it, along with the beautiful satellite of the planet Earth. Crickets was heard from afar, filling the quiet space of her backyard. The only source of light she had was the bright moon from above, and the glow of light from her house that stood tall and still. A pen and a notebook clutched in her hands, ready to use for when her sister comes back.

     The peaceful atmosphere was soon broken when she heard rustling from the bushes nearby. She sat up from the grass and looked at the direction of the bush. A deep growl was heard from it. The growl sounded weird and echoey, like an alien's growl from the movies.

     "Who's there—?"

     "Meet the human brain." She was broke out of her small daydream — or rather, nightmare by the voice of Mr. Clarke, showing a replica of the human brain to the class, talking in his usual enthusiastic tone. "I know, I know. It doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this. There are a hundred billion cell inside of this miracle evolution, all working as one. No, no. I did not misspeak, I did not stutter. A hundred billion."

     She tore her eyes away from outside the window and down at her notes, writing everything the teacher just said, loving how the teacher spoke with such passion. A pop was heard and the door opened, making the blonde girl jump, letting out a small weird sound from the back of her throat.

     "This must be our new student!" Everyone's attention were grabbed by the sound of the door opening, and the words of Mr. Clarke. She looked up front, seeing the principal with a fiery red haired girl beside him.

     "Indeed it is. All yours." The girl looked eye catching, with those fiery red hair, tanned skin like she was just fresh from the sun, face beautifully painted with her freckles that scattered around like stars from the sky.

     Raven thought she looked stunned, jaws dropping in awe as she looked at the girl, face turning red when the girl glanced at her for a short time, gaze jumping on the seat beside her that the girl then started to walk to.

     "All right. Hold up. You don't get away that easy. Come on up. Don't be shy," said Mr. Clarke stopping the girl from approaching the seat. The girl sighed and walked back to the front, standing beside Mr. Clarke's desk. "Dustin, drum roll."

     Dustin smiled and closed his textbook. He then started tapping rapidly on the textbook's cover, resembling a drum roll.

     "Class, please welcome, all the way from Sunny California. The latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage . . . Maxine!" The teacher's voice was filled with enthusiasm as he introduced the girl. Even her name is pretty.

     "It's Max," The ginger simply said, obviously not wanting to be called Maxine. Her voice soft and soothing, but discomfort was heard from it.


     "Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max." The blonde girl saw the boys whispering at each other. Lucas turned to her and mouthed 'MadMax'. The girl only nodded at his conclusion.

     "Well, all aboard, Max." Max walked to the seat next to her, meeting her eyes. Raven felt her face heat up, making her look away.

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