v. breaking a rule

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chapter five
breaking a rule

     BLANK. HER HEAD is blank. Not thinking. Zero thoughts. Just blank. She sat at the backseat of Jonathan Byers' car, the song Come And Get Yours Love by Redbone took over her ears, its catchy tone made her foot tap against the car floor, bobbing her head from side to side as she hummed.

     What's the matter your head

     She watched as the trees rolled out the window, looking at the houses that was filled with Halloween decorations, smiling as the kids celebrated with their looted candies.

     She spotted a pirate duo on the sidewalk, smiling at their collected candies, it reminded her of Halloween three years ago, where she and Robin would walk around the town, collecting candies and eating some in the process. They would stay up all night because of sugar rush, too hyped up to have a nip of sleep, they would end up passing out of tiredness, and being late for class the next day. Those were the fun times. She missed trick or treating with her sister. Trick or treating with Robin stopped a year ago, when she got a job. She understood though, she knew her sister only wants to make their dream come true, bringing her to the place they've been admiring half of their life.

      "Trick or treat!" A cheeky ten and thirteen year old pirates stood up front of a lady's porch, smiling as they held up their plastic pumpkin, waiting for the sweet treasures of the seas.

     "Oh no! Pirates! Please don't take all my candies!" the lady exclaimed playfully, making the latter in front of her giggle at the silliness. The lady beamed, giving them fistful of candies each, doing a little 'Arrgh' with her finger curled like a hook, one eye closed and a toothy smile on her face. "Happy sailing, little mates."

      "You too, Mrs Holland," said the smaller pirate as she eagerly waved at the woman.

     "Tell Barbara I say hi. Thanks, Mrs Holland." The taller girl waved as they walked down the Holland residence's driveway.

     "Sweet! I've got a Hershey's, Robin!" The smaller pirate waved her Hershey's bar at Robin, looking like she's bragging and teasing her sister with it.

     "Oh yeah? And look what I've got. . ." Robin slowly raised a familiar looking candy bar from her plastic pumpkin, looking at it before looking back to the smaller girl. "A Three Musketeers."

     The smaller pirate seemed to be drooling over the nougat, reaching out to get it from Robin's grasp. Robin hid it behind her back before the pirate could even hold on it.

     "Perhaps a trade, captain Raven?" She said in a business like tone, revealing the nougat from her back. "A Hershey bar for nougat?"

    "Deal." She shoved the Hershey bar to Robin's chest, grabbing the nougat and opening it happily. Robin smiled at her sister's obsession with nougats, some other kids seems to hate the candy, but her sister loves it. Raven shoved the whole bar inside her mouth, it looked like it was impossible to chew but she still did, this turned Robin's smile into a grimace.

    "How can you do that?" The younger girl shrugged, chewing on her nougat.

     Her cheeks would puff out and it looked adorable to Robin, she wants to pinch it, or just poke it. So she did. As her finger tip came contact with the girl's puffed up cheek, the nougat flew out of her mouth by the sudden tickling sensation. She looked at the nougat, disappointed at its lost opportunity.

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