III; ix. who's safer?

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chapter nine
who's safer?

     "OKAY, THAT'S . . . SO, you mean to say that there is another world within Hawkins?" Amanda clarified. Raven shifted, putting her weight onto her arms as she leaned on the trunk of Steve's car, then she nodded at what Amanda had asked. "And you were kidnapped by some monster from that other world?"

     "I know that it's hard to believe, but i promise you that everything I told you was real—"

     "I didn't say I don't believe you," Amanda cut off, fiddling with her lower lip as she looked at the neighboring house from across the street. "It's just . . . hard to process."

     "I know," Raven sighed. She felt sadness creep up on her, with a tinge of guilt sparked within. She saw so much of Ms. Allie in Amanda that it was too hard not to be reminded. "I'm sorry," she said, "About your aunt."

     Raven excluded a ton of information. Only telling Amanda the simplest details and the things she thought were important to know. Raven felt like she didn't have enough strength to tell her about Gorgon. Or even what really happened to Amanda's relative from the previous year, only giving Amanda the other half of the truth. She hasn't really told anyone what happened, she's scared as to what Amanda would feel if she told, what the others would think of her if they had known — what Max would think of her if she had known . . .

     "It's all right." Amanda looked to the other girl, while Raven bit on the inside of her cheeks and avoided Amanda's gaze. "I mean . . . at least you tried, right? And it's not like you could've done something."

     Raven swallowed. "I don't—" She took another puff of the 3rd cigarette she'd lit, holding it between her fingers as she scratched the end of her brow. "She's a really great woman."

     Amanda smiled as her eyes filled with tears. Her nose had gone red and was trying to hide away the sobs that was bubbling from her throat. "She was amazing. Best aunt there ever was."

     Raven gave her back a pat, drawing comforting circles as to cheer the girl up. She thought for a moment. Amanda's already had too much and Raven thought that was enough. This whole situation they're all tangled with would make everything worse for Amanda. Raven still has a chance to untangle her before she gets bound to this. She wished she had done the same with Max and Sid and her other friends.

     "Why don't we just come inside and get your stuff," Raven had suggested, "Then I'll take you home."

     "Take me home?" Amanda's tears had been pushed back. She felt attentive as ever.

     "It's — it's safer for you this way," Raven replied, "You won't get dragged deeper into this. What I told you was some fucked up thing to experience and you don't want yourself involved in this type of shit, Amanda. You've got a lot already and that's enough, no more."

     "Who do you think is safer in a war, Raven?" The said girl was confused by the sudden question. She gave Amanda a questioning look that urged the girl to continue. "The one holding the gun? Or the one hiding behind the person holding it?" Raven was sent to think for a moment, opening her mouth to answer but Amanda's voice came first before hers. "Either way is dangerous but it's the person who holds the gun that stands in favor."

     "In favor?" Raven scoffed as she faced Amanda, "They have the higher chances to fucking die! Yes, they can defend themselves, but they're more likely to go home either traumatized to the bone or dead as dead can ever be!" The taller girl held Amanda on both arms. Her grip was more gentle than it was firm, looking as almost pleading. "This for your own good. Please, just listen to me."

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