Happy pills🥀🌸(?)

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This is sorta angst and fluff so uhmm yUhhhHHHHhhhh??

Shuichi's POV:

So many thoughts are rushing through my head at this current moment all I did was check up on him and- he does this to himself.. did I really go too far? I know I was a little harsh on him but it's my fault he did this I'm.. such a bad friend.. he's probably more upset because I saw him like this.. I- wait did he even lock the door I turn my head to the door wait- it's slightly open should I go in there- wait is he.. crying?? I've never heard him genuinely cry.. he's always playing around this must be quite serious should I go in, f*ck it he needs comfort I'm going in..

I quickly but quietly open the door and walk in closing the door gently behind me, he obviously hasn't heard me yet I take I few more steps until I can see the corner of his bed take a few more and I can see most of his body he's facing away from me but I can tell he's a mess.. should I go any further or should I actually approach him..? Well he does seem fragile but I want to let him know he's.. safe, before I knew it I was moving towards him and slowly wrap my arms around him, he flinches at that sudden contact "S-shuichi is that you..?!" He seemed scared well I guess I would too if I thought I was alone but then a random person came up behind me and hugged me (NOT THAT TYPE OF CAME YOU DIRTY F*CKS!!) "Yes it's me Ouma.." he didn't say anything he was just still untill "what you saw.. what did you think it was..?" Does he really think I'm that dense? Well I guess I am a little dense at times but not THAT dense.. am I? "Cuts obviously do you think I'm that dense to not notice what you did to yourself.. but don't worry I'm not mad and I won't tell anyone I promise, just let me help you.. please?" The room grew silent once more then Kokichi spoke up "why- why do you even care I thought you out of the remaining students hated me.." those words hurt me but I can't blame him for thinking that, I did say some harsh words to him and I could possibly be the cause for him harming himself.. I took a deep breath "what I said to you earlier, I didn't mean it I was just scared because you had laughed about your(?) Friend dying and it just made me upset, that's the truth.. but can you awenser me truthfully? Did you really care for any of us even Gonta or Miu?" "I-" he paused for a moment until giving me a full awenser " I'm only saying this because you are the most trustworthy person here, y-yes I do care but... I personally don't even understand why I am this way.." he shuffled a bit in a motion that seemed he was trying to move something with his foot..? I got kinda curious of what he was hiding he's kinda caught off guard so I simply asked him "what did you hide with your foot just now?" He flinched as he quickly turned to face me his body rapidly increasing in temperature, is he nervous? "W-what?!" He started shuffling uncomfortably "please Kokichi just tell me, if you are hiding something just tell me what it is I want to help you- or I'll check under your bed." He had no choice either way I'd find out what he was hiding, he sighed and got up and pulled a small prescription bottle from under the bed I stared as my eyes widened "I know.. I know, your wondering what they are for so.." he passed the bottle to me as he crouched down and pulled another bottle out and handed that bottle to me as well, I read the title 'serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)' and the other just simply said 'happy pills' I stared in shock at both the bottles in my hands, I had so many questions, his normal personality isn't his real personality? why does he need these? How long has he been taking them? What happens if he doesn't take them? What will he do if he runs out in the killing game, will Monokuma refill it for him? etc. I was most curious of the 'happy pills' so I read the back of that bottle first, I had heard of the drug before but I never looked into it. The back read 'Emotional numbness, sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, blurred vision, constipation and weight gain are also some unseemly potential side effects.' (I got that from Google btw so correct me if the info is wrong!) My eyes widen once again I still had to read the other bottle so I did 'Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are usually the first choice of medication for treating social anxiety disorder (SAD). SSRIs affect your brain chemistry by slowing re-absorption of the neurotransmitter serotonin, a chemical that we think helps to regulate mood and anxiety.' "Kokichi.. are you, okay?" I looked up at him he looked away "y'know you should be feeling real special that I'm sharing this with you.." "I know, and I'm grateful you told me.." then I saw I slight shine in his eye slowly make its way down to his chin he's crying again.. "come here Koki.." he didn't hesitate he wrapped his arms around me and I layed us down on his bed "funny you giving be a nickname" he attempted to brighten up the mood he slightly succeeded "well you gave me one I gave you one back..!" I smiled "this is why I love you" I'm happy he's hap- wait.. WHAT


Words 1005

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